2014-07-292011-03-172010-08-27PAULA, Ricardo Almeida de. Crisis of the person and the education crisis: a study from the perspective of personalist Emmanuel Mounier. 2010. 196 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1079This thesis has as main purpose to study Emmanuel Mounier´s personalist thought as shown in his Oeuvres edited by Paulette Mounier in four volumes, published by Editions du Seuil from 1961 to 1963. The personalism is a movement with a wide philosophic renews and has the person as its core. In this manner, the study of being a person has its implications on Education. According with its Christian anthropological premise the Mounier´s philosophy sees the human being gifted with a imago, image, and throughout his transcendence with imago Dei, God´s image. The study of Mounier´s works and thinkers in the personalist context and philosophy of Education gave us perception of centrality of the person role as reference on contemporaneity. We affirm that personalism was lived as a philosophy which has the person as its core and therefore it is an Integral humanism, nevertheless the person´s concept and idea come from Mounier´s professed christianism, in this manner a Christian humanism. We assured that the personalism is a philosophy. The problem comes because Mounier marked his thought as an attitude more than a doctrine. However, personalism is a philosophy because it does not miss to it accuracy na systematization. Notwithstanding, it is a philosophy outdoor, out of academic walls, a lived and acted philosophy, a pluriform philosophic proposal, having the human person as its convergence center. We elucidated that the personalist thought is not underneath to the philosophical Brazilian thought building, on the contrary it was forbidden due the confusion made by the military system which understood its Marxist or communist and therefore prejudicial to the nation. Throughout social and communitarians movements as CEBs, JEC, JUC, AP, where had participated thinkers like Alceu Amoroso Lima and Henrique Lima Vaz the conscience of being personal in a repressive context and educational was of crucial importance for social-historical-educational development in Brazil. We discussed the meaning of the word education showing to be this changing and valorative attitude concerning the person that aims the transformation of the being of human person. We distinguished educational practice of institutional school practice, being the first understands the human educability and the second seeks to maintain the order ideologically established. We got the conclusion that the perceived crisis in the educational behavior was triggered by the person absence as being of education. The absence of a more defined anthropology, integral and proper about human person gives variable character to the education according to its thought about human being and humanization. Through Mounier´s thought we can retake the person´s concept as itself rescuing him in his communitarian-social aspect and at the same time as the center of all educational proposals.application/pdfAcesso AbertoMounierpersonalismopessoaimagoimago DeiMounierpersonalismpersonimagoimago Dei1.Mounier, Emmanuel 2.Personalismo 3.EducaçãoCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOCrise da pessoa e a crise da educação: um estudo na perspectiva personalista de Emmanuel MounierCrisis of the person and the education crisis: a study from the perspective of personalist Emmanuel MounierTese