2014-07-292011-06-072010-12-03SANTOS, Camila Leopoldina Batista dos. An experience of reflexive education with five English teach-ers of five public schools of Goiania. 2010. 179 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Lingüística, Letras e Artes) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2386This research was conducted with five teachers of English who began lecionalr in public schools of teaching municiapl of Goiania in 2008, I being one of these teachers-participants. During the second half of 2008, we reflect on our practice collaboratively in the context of teaching, drawing on experiences as learners and as teachers of English. Thus, this study investigates: what is the relationship between our expectations and our teaching practices in this context, how we infer the theories that underlie our practice and how to localize in the socio-históriaco, and, finally, how our reflections contributed to our knowledge and our practice teachers. The study is qualitative and is based on the perspective of critical thinking proposed by Smyth (1991), organized in four steps: describe, inform, confront, and rebuild. Questions like what do I do?; What does that do?; How I came to be that way?: How could do things differently? referring respectively to each of these steps were discussed during the reflection sessions (Magalhaes, 2004) about our actions in the classroom. To collect data, we used an initial questionnaire, an initial reflexive session, three reflective sessions on official documents and a theoretical text of Smyth (1991), reflection sessions on seven classes (videotaped) of the participants and teachers-a final reflective session. The analysis shows a conflict between our expectations and our educational practice conducted in academic year 2008, determining how our practice has been shaped up, that our reflections on our practice has shown, sometimes incoherent and confused, and remain on a micro level and located, and that while this training experience has presented problems and limitations, it was very rich and relevant to both our knowledge and practice as teachers for our professional development.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFormação de professores de línguasReflexão colaborativaEscola pública.Languages Teacher EducationCollaborative ReflectionPublic Schol1. Professores de línguas- formação 2. Ensino de inglês-reflexão colaborativa 3. Escola pública-ensino de línguaCNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRASUma experiência de formação reflexiva com cinco professoras de inglês de escolas municipais de GoiâniaAn experience of reflexive education with five English teach-ers of five public schools of GoianiaDissertação