2019-08-022019-04-30JESUS, Simone de. Interação e conflito na cena do crime: latrocínios na cidade de Goiânia em 2017. 2019. 123 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9881The violence and crime present in our daily lives have become one of the main fears in our society. Despite the increasing numbers of this phenomenon, the Brazilian state has not been able to efficiently clarify these crimes, producing in society the feeling of impunity. The interaction between the different actors/institutions that make up the criminal justice system is fundamental so that the authorship of crimes can be identified. The present research addresses the question of how the interaction and conflicts between different actors that make up the criminal justice system in Goiânia contribute to the clarification of crimes of robbery. The study was carried out from the crimes of robbery in Goiânia in the year 2017, where quantitative data were collected at the first moment, as the place of occurrence, the object of the robbery, the type of weapon used, which professionals participated in the first service of the robbery crime scene.In the second moment, qualitative information was collected through interviews containing semi-structured questions for agent, clerk, police delegates, criminal expert, medical examiner, forensic fingerprint expert, military police officer, judge and prosecutor, how these professionals conceive the system of investigation of robbery in Goiânia and how they perceive their own performance and that of the different professionals in this process.application/pdfAcesso AbertoViolênciaInteraçãoConflitoInvestigaçãoEsclarecimento de crimesProva científicaViolenceInteractionConflictInvestigationClarification of crimesScientific proofOUTROS::CIENCIAS SOCIAISInteração e conflito na cena do crime: latrocínios na cidade de Goiânia em 2017Dissertação