2016-10-212016-06-29CARVALHO, Dione Antonio. Sujeição criminal e inclusão marginal no sistema socioeducativo: uma análise qualitativa das percepções de agentes do meio aberto e fechado. 2016. 206 f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6431This thesis is the outcome of a research with two groups of agents responsible for social education measures to adolescents in conflict with the law. The first group is responsible for the restrictive measures of liberty in detention centers. The second keeps track of community service provision and assisted liberty measures in reference centers for social assistance. This is an analysis of these professionals perceptions about their work experience, the relationship established with teenagers, their explanations about the reasons of the engagement of teenagers in infractional acts and their representation about legislation on children and adolescents. Through a qualitative approach, an interviews set was considered with each group as data source for the analysis. Also quantitative INFORMATION which describes the general framework of the socio-educational system were used ONLY contextually. This analytical effort resulted in the comprehension that the closed environment reproduces the criminal liability problem, while the open environment reproduces the logic of marginal inclusion. From this context, it was observed the way how each group builds a narrative that gives meaning to their actions and elaborate categories that differentiate them from the young people while label these adolescents.application/pdfAcesso AbertoSujeição criminalInclusão marginalAdolescentesSistema socioeducativoCriminal liabilityMarginal inclusionAdolescentsSocio-educational systemCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIASujeição criminal e inclusão marginal no sistema socioeducativo: uma análise qualitativa das percepções de agentes do meio aberto e fechadoCriminal subjection and marginal inclusion in the socio-education system: a qualitative analysis of agents perceptions in open and closed systemTese