2019-10-082019-09-02MOTA, Danyllo Di Giorgio Martins da. Antônio Carlos Ribeiro de Andrada (1870-1946): história, memória e escrita biográfica na construção de uma tradição política familiar. 2019. 328 f. Tese (Doutorado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10075The objective of this work is to demonstrate the relations between Memory, History and biographical writing in the narrative development over the political trajectory of Antônio Carlos Ribeiro de Andrada (1870-1946), a remarkable character in the processes of the Liberal Alliance, the 1930 revolution and upon the political confrontations of Vargas’ government within its years (1930-1945). Such narratives compound a memory project that aims the valuing of the political tradition of the Andrada family and its connection with the state of Minas Gerais. The identification of the family tradition with the mineiridade is stablished through the ideals of Liberalism and Democracy that guide the speeches of Antônio Carlos whilst Minas Gerais president, Liberal Alliance leader (1929-1930) and the regional disputes within the first years of the 1930 decade. Through the documental analysis, we have searched to identify the constructed images whereas the performance of Antônio Carlos and his relations amongst the quarreling political projects during its production time. We have searched to look back over the speeches that were produced by the political agent in his performing time, the historiography about the events in which he was envolved, the memorialist texts produced by authors that were from Minas Gerais and the biographical works and historical produced by The Andrada The finality of this analysis is to point how the Andrada family uses Antônio Carlos as a link between the actions of its political agents during the 19th century and those beholded by its members throughout the 20thcentury. Being so, the biography O Presidente Antônio Carlos: um Andrada da República; o arquiteto da revolução de 1930 (1998) has a remarkable position in the rescuing process and revaluing the political experience as an element of social status maintenance that constitutes the belonging to the Andrada Family line. This belonging stablishes the symbolic basis for the maintenance of the family political domination, pointing the connection between the past and present, over the remaining of the fundamental elements of the Andrada tradition amongst its different generations.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAntônio Carlos Ribeiro de AndradaMemóriaTradiçãoBiografiaRevolução de 1930MemoryBiographyTradition1930 revolutionAntônio Carlos Ribeiro de AndradaCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAAntônio Carlos Ribeiro de Andrada (1870-1946): história, memória e escrita biográfica na construção de uma tradição política familiarAntônio Carlos Ribeiro de Andrada (1870-1946): history, memory and biographical writing in the construction of a family political traditionTese