2014-07-292010-04-152004-09-10VIEIRA JÚNIOR, Geraldo. EVALUATION anti-inflammatory activity FRACTION OF THE FRUIT OF ALKALOIDS Wolf Apple A.St.-Hil. (Wolf). 2004. 59 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Biolóicas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2004.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1276Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hil., popularly known as lobeira (wolf-fruit), is easily found in the Brazilian savanna. It is characterized as a bushy plant with average height of about 5 meters (16 feet), fragile branches, featuring a nearly round berry type of fruit, with diameter that ranges from 8 to 15 cm (3.1 to 5.9 inches), yellowish green color even when ripe, fleshy and juicy pulp. The lobeira is used in folk medicine for several therapeutic purposes such as bronchitis, worm diseases, diabetes and ulcer. A study with ethanolic extract of fruit (EEF) of the lobeira showed analgesic and antidermatogenic activity in the experimental samples of acetic acid-induced abdominal writhing and ear edema. In the present work were performed the morphoanatomic study of the fruit and the antiinflammatory evaluation of the alkaloidic fraction (FA) acquired through the EEF. The morphoanatomic analysis of the fruit pointed out the existence of elements that allow its characterization, like the stellate trichomes, present in leaves of the same species as well. The FA was obtained by acid extraction of the EEF, being defined by thin-layer chromatography the presence of the glycoalkaloid solamargine, found in other species of the Solanum genus. The antiinflamatory activity was estimated in vivo through the ear edema method induced by the croton oil and by the leukocyte migration in the peritonitis induced by carrageenin. It was estimated in vitro the FA ability to restrain the phospholipase A2 action in snake poison. The prior treatment of animals with FA in doses of 50 to 100mg/kg (s.c.) reduced the ear edema formation, and in doses of 30 a 300mg/kg (s.c. and p.o.) decreased the leukocyte migration. The experimental models in vivo demonstrated that the FA displayed characteristic results of an antiinflamatory activity similar to the one shown by the glycocorticoids. The results obtained with the FA could be outcome of the glycoalkaloid presence and also indicate that the FA has the active principles responsible for the biological activity verified in EEF. The FA has not presented inhibitive activity of phospholipase A2 that could be detected by in vitro method that was applied. It becomes necessary the purification of the glycoalkaloid and the completion of specific trials aiming to confirm the antiinflamatory action as well as the participating mechanisms.application/pdfAcesso AbertoSolanum lycocarpummorfoanatomia do frutoatividade antiinflamatóriaSolanum lycocarpumfruit morphoanatomyantiinflamatory activity1.Solanum lycocarpum(Lobeira); 2.Frutas(Lobeira)-Morfoanatomia; 3.Plantas Medicinais - Atividade antiinflamatória; 4.Plantas CerradosCNPQ::CIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS::FISIOLOGIAAVALIAÇÃO DA ATIVIDADE ANTIINFLAMATÓRIA DA FRAÇÃO ALCALOÍDICA DO FRUTO DE Solanum lycocarpum A.St.-Hil. (LOBEIRA)EVALUATION anti-inflammatory activity FRACTION OF THE FRUIT OF ALKALOIDS Wolf Apple A.St.-Hil. (Wolf)Dissertação