2014-11-102012-05-07LIMA, Liwcy Keller de Oliveira Lopes. Registros de Acidentes com Material Biológico na Prática Odontológica no Estado de Goiás, 1996-2010. 2012. 138 F. Dissertação (Mestrado em Enfermagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3593The dental care practice is characterized by the constant possibility of the staff and patients exposure to biological material (BM) potentially contaminated with infectious various agents, and requiring the epidemiology expertise of these exposures in order to develop the risk management procedures. The present study aimed to analyze the epidemiology of occupational accidents with exposure to BM among dental professionals and students in the State of Goias, and as specific goals, to ferify the frequency and profile of the accidents with biological material exposure among the dental care students and professionals enrolled in a reference hospital with service in compliance with occupational exposure to BM, to characterize the pre-and postexposure behavior and monitoring program recommended for this population and to analyze the socio-demographic and labor factors related to the accidents with BM by percutaneous exposure between dental care professionals and students assisted in a reference service. This is an epidemiological, retrospective and analytical study developed in a referral hospital for the treatment of occupational accidents with exposure to BM of the State of Goiás. All records of the accidents with BM between dental care professionals and students attended in this institution by December 2010 were analysed. Data were collected by completing a standardized form containing personal information, description of the accident, time elapsed between the accident and the first service, and post-exposure and prophylaxis procedures. The data were analyzed by SPSS 15.0 and the OpenEpi 2.3.1., Statistical analysis was performed by descriptive frequency measures and univariate analysis using qui-square and Fisher exact test. 628 accidents were recorded between dental care professionals and students from 1996, the year of first registration, to 2010, in which 77.1% were women. Some individuals reported more than one accident, totalling 701 accidents with exposure to BM that comprise the study population. Among the accidents, the majority (97, 13.8%) occurred in 2008 and 48.6% between dentists. In 92.2% of cases, hepatitis B vaccination status of the victims was described, and out of these, 70.8% received all three doses. In 84.9% of cases there was no record of the completion of anti-HBs by the victims. The accidents were predominantly (658, 93.9%) percutaneous, being the needle the instrument that caused the injury in 49.7%. Performing any dental care procedure was the most comum circumstance in which the accidents occurred most frequently (388, 55.4%), and the finger, the body area most affected (493, 70.3%). We highlight the lack of information in many cases, especially in relation to BM involved in the accident, the use of personal protective equipment at the time of the accident, where the victims performed their activities at the time of the accident and / or were linked and fullfilling of Work Accident Communication form. With the post-exposure procedures, the majority (635, 90.6%) of the institution accidents enrollments occurred within 72 hours, however only 44.9% were in the first two hours. The use of chemoprophylaxis and prophylaxis of hepatitis B in 14.8% and 12.8% of the cases, respectively were recommended. In 82.6% of the accidents, the patients were identified, and their HIV, HBV and HCV condition ignored in 93.6% of records. Among the accidents in which the victim must return to the intitution for the post-exposure follow up (264, 37.7%), only 20.8% returned and 3.8% were discharged. Accidents by percutaneous exposures showed a high prevalence for all variables analysed. It was observed that the higher is the demand for the service the less is the individual chance to undergo a percutaneous exposure (p = 0.000). The occurrence of accidents among dental auxiliaries was significant (p = 0.016) compared to dentists. The lack of data in the records of the institution reveals the need for greater disclosure of ministerial protocols for caring the victims of occupational accidents by BM among professionals responsible for this service. The integration of biosafety, infection control procedures for dental care practice and prevention and prophylaxis for BM accidents issues with undergraduate, graduate courses should develop and provide effective behavior changes.application/pdfAcesso AbertoExposição OcupacionalOdontologiaExposição a agentes biológicosNotificação de acidentes de trabalhoFerimentos penetrantes produzidos por agulhaPatógenos transmitidos pelo sangueOccupational exposureDentistryExposure to biological agentsOccupational accidents registryNeedlestick injuriesBlood-borne pathogensCIENCIAS DA SAUDE::ENFERMAGEMRegistros de Acidentes com Material Biológico na Prática Odontológica no Estado de Goiás, 1996-2010Records of accidents with biological material in professional dental care practice in the state of Goias, 1996-2010Dissertação