2019-09-042019-07-15SOUZA, Odiliana Ribeiro de. O trabalho do alfabetizador nos anos iniciais da educação fundamental na rede municipal de Goiânia: uma análise a partir da ergologia. 2019. 188 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9986This study aims, from the point of view of the activity, to understand the work of literacy teachers in the Cycle of Literacy (Cycle I) of Fundamental Education in the Municipal Network of Education of Goiânia-RME. It is a case study, started in January 2018, that uses the theoretical-methodological contribution of Ergology to understand the teaching work. It was sought to better understand the dramatic self-uses that involve the work of a literacy teacher, the values, knowledge and skills that permeate these dramatic and guide the teacher in the normalizations she performs. Evidencing such questions has enabled a more accurate look at teaching work, showing the wealth of what literacy teachers do in the development of their work. The following procedures were carried out: a bibliographical survey on literacy focusing on the teaching work of the literacy teacher, a case study based on observations, interviews (work explicitation, induced verbalization and life history), and documentary analysis of prescriptions to the work of the literacy teacher. The study points out weaknesses in the implementation of public policies focused on literacy, as well as the need to qualify the pedagogical accompaniment and organize the pedagogical work based on the real and specific demands of each school.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAlfabetizaçãoTrabalho docenteErgologia literacyTeaching historyErgologyErgologiaCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOO trabalho do alfabetizador nos anos iniciais da educação fundamental na rede municipal de Goiânia: uma análise a partir da ergologiaDissertação