2020-09-212020-09-212020-03-03CORCINIO JUNIOR, Givaldo Ferreira. Arte e devoção: ex-votos pictóricos do Divino Pai Eterno (Trindade/GO, séculos XX e XXI). 2020. 311 f. Tese (Doutorado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10767The Trindade’s exvotos are a singular objects in the devotional and artistic brazilian christianity universe. This objects are capital to devotes identity build, because they materialize the relationship lived between the faithful and the Divine Eternal Father. We understand, through the signs existing in these works, the impact of the technical transformations present in the individuals life from the central region of Brazil, an area of direct influence of the pilgrimage of Trindade. We seek to point out in our work the dialogue and the symbolic appropriations present between the popular art practices that are made there and the classic references, as well as to trace the presence of the narrative and the appropriations of memory visible in them, understanding that they are perceptible in the ways how devotees, through art, register their deliverances, challenges overcome and achievements obtained under the auspices of the Divine Eternal Father. We selected for study some pictorial ex-vows produced in the twentieth century, left and displayed in the miracle room of the Sanctuary of the Divine Eternal Father, which were selected using concepts reworked from studies developed by Bernard Cousin and reflecting on them from a Warburguian bias that deals with the survival of old elements and traits blending with new perceptions of the world.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilEx-votosArte devocionalVotivoMemóriaDevoçãoPinturasTrindade – GOExvotosDevotional artVotiveMemoryDevotionPaintsTrindade – GO/BrazilCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIA::HISTORIA DO BRASIL::HISTORIA REGIONAL DO BRASILArte e devoção: ex-votos pictóricos do Divino Pai Eterno (Trindade/GO, séculos XX e XXI)Art and devotion: pictorial ex-vows of the Divine Eternal Father (Trindade / GO, 20th and 21st centuries)Tese