2014-08-212012-06-20SIMÃO, Núbia da Cunha. Violência e cidadania a recepção do programa chumbo grosso junto ao jovem em conflito com a lei. 2012. 107 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2916This dissertation seeks to study how is the reception of information and images of violence, the program broadcast daily Fuzz, with the juvenile in conflict with the law. To this end it is a resume of the origins and concept of violence, seeking to question the ownership of media violence. In order to explain the abuse of the use of information and images of violence in the media seek to make a resumption of the consequences of globalization for communication, especially when we observe the intensification of competition and struggle for audiences. Hearing that often is achieved by appeals to the feelings and sentiments of the population, the model of so-called TV news sensationalism. And, attention is drawn to the program in this study Fuzz, who conveyed to urban violence in the metropolitan area of Goiânia. Choosing to focus on images of corpses and mutilation, especially praising comments and make the fight against crime, even if this is denied the right to life of those suspected of crimes. In an environment where information and images of violence are explored thoroughly, there is even making political decisions and actions depend mainly on information, essential item for citizenship, there is the need for discussion of the information conveyed especially on television, to the consolidation of citizenship in Brazil. And the ones that suffer most from lack of basic rights, and here we measure the second-generation rights such as employment, is young people. In the process of rehabilitation must be guaranteed civil rights, political and social to be inserted in a citizen in society, and is also why the group selected for the reception research. Work is therefore concerned with the problem of how young people in conflict with the law re-elaborate and interpret the information conveyed by the program on violence Fuzz. Based on the following assumptions that young people in conflict with the law, from reading the daily spectacle of urban violence become desensitized to such acts, in a sense of trivializing violence, much of the mutilation of death as disseminated, recognize themselves as subjects who may lose their lives, to combat violence in the proposed program, in which the police have to act more and more rigid. That is, do not recognize themselves as bearers of civil rights, or first generation, a process of denial of citizenship, and yet realize that the program appeals to both the use of images as information and commentary on violence and its combat .application/pdfAcesso abertoViolênciaMídiaCidadaniaJuventudeRecepçãoViolenciaMediaCitizenshipYouthReceptionCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::COMUNICACAOViolência e cidadania a recepção do programa chumbo grosso junto ao jovem em conflito com a leiViolence and citizenship. the reception of the program chumbo grosso juwith juvenile in conflit with the lawDissertação