2016-05-052013-05-10ARAÚJO, P. S. Vasculhando a vida alheia: o diário íntimo de José Vieira Couto de Magalhães (1880-1887). 2013.149 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás,Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5520This study examines the diary of José Vieira Couto de Magalhães, focusing on themes: sexuality, body, health and disease. The interlocution of this document with the rest produced by the same author - books, reports, among others - evidenced a egocentric personality, which in an ingenious way built up a heroic image for themselves. Legitimized by their peers, by historiography and especially the imperial regime, Couto enters the pages of history as the great hero of the War of Paraguay.But if in public boasted an image of strong and courageous man, in his diary brought out moments of anguish and fears, above all when was considering the possibility of becoming ill. Furthermore, her writing secret also reveals a look interpretive and original about your oneiric universe - soaked a homoerotic desire - challenger in relation to moral values of the nineteenth century.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCouto de MagalhãesDiário íntimoSexualidadesCorpoSaúde e doençaDiary secretSexualitiesBodyHealth and diseaseCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAVasculhando a vida alheia: o diário íntimo de José Vieira Couto de Magalhães (1880-1887)Watching the other life: the diary secret of José Vieira Couto de Magalhães (1880-1887)Dissertação