2014-07-292012-10-052011-08-31NASCIMENTO, Geovani San Miguel. Aspects of canine visceral Leishmaniasis in Lago Norte and Sobradinho III, administrative regions of the Federal District. 2011. 53 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Agrárias - Veterinaria) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/890This study aimed to determine the prevalence and epidemiological aspects of canine visceral leishmaniasis in Lago Norte and Sobradinho II, administrative regions of the Federal District. Census surveys were conducted in four localities of the Federal District where the data were collected and blood sampled from 5,551 dogs in Lago Norte and from 272 dogs in Varjão and from 836 dogs from Bananal and Engenho Velho communities in Sobradinho II. We evaluated age, sex, breed, presence of clinical signs, wooded homes, the presence of the garden, organic material, home situation and the presence of chicken in the properties. The sera samples were submitted to indirect immunofluorescence test (IFA), and samples with reagent titers greater than or equal to 1:40 were considered positive. Prevalences of 6.66% (17/255), 13.13% (44/335), 15.40% (61/396) and 22.32% (1013/4538), were found in Varjão, Engenho Velho, Bananal and Lago Norte. Regarding age, 10.90% (70/643) were aged up to one year, considered a young population, 22.40% (619/2763) were at one to six years of age, considered as a middle-aged population, and 24.00% (297/1236) were older than six years of age, corresponding to old animals. Regarding the presence or absence of clinical signs, 30.31% (238/785) had some clinical changes and 18.61% (846/4544) showed no clinical changes. One can conclude that this canine visceral leishmanias is distributed in different regions of the Federal District being the location, the age and the presence of clinical changes the highest risk factors The knowledge gained on the prevalence of leishmaniasis in dogs will allow the establishment of effective strategies for control actions.application/pdfAcesso AbertoLeshmaniose visceral caninaepidemiologiaLeishmaniose visceralCanine Leshmaniose visceralCNPQ::CIENCIAS AGRARIAS::MEDICINA VETERINARIA::MEDICINA VETERINARIA PREVENTIVA::SAUDE ANIMAL (PROGRAMAS SANITARIOS)Aspectos epidemiológicos da leishmaniose visceral canina nas regiões administrativas Lago Norte e Sobradinho II do Distrito Federal - DFAspects of canine visceral Leishmaniasis in Lago Norte and Sobradinho III, administrative regions of the Federal DistrictDissertação