2016-09-302016-01-29LUcas, E. R. Cidades na cidade: habitação social e produção do espaço urbano em Goiânia. 2016. 172 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Projeto e Cidade) - Universidade Federal de Goiás,Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6307Great deal of Brazilian cities’ territory could show urban quality of excellence if the state as a funding entity and a promoter of urban interventions such as the construction of housing projects put value on the project. Goiânia, capital of Goiás state, is a city that was planned in the early 1930s to house 50,000 inhabitants. In 2015, its population exceeds 1.4 million people. In addition to the original city plan — made by architects Attilio Corrêa Lima and, later, Armando de Godoy —, a significant part of its urban fabric had an effective participation of the State in its building by conducting and implementing housing projects of social interest. This study aimed to think of Goiânia’s urban space production that was a result from housing developments undertaken by local government, since the early days of territory occupation to the present day. It focuses on architecture and urbanism based on the idea that a social housing plan needs a clear understanding of past processes and of scars left in the territory. To understand the current and past processes was necessary to seek theoretical frameworks that conceptualize housing and city also in its subjective dimensions expanding the possibilities of analysis. In a second step it was necessary to establish a research methodology that would enable the analysis at different scales (municipal and enterprise) reaching satisfactory results formatted based on quality parameters from different authors. Done methodology, research brings a periodization of the issue of housing in Goiania analyzing aspects of the production of urban space in the municipal scale and highlighting projects that are analyzed in more detail. The mapping and analysis of the production of detailed urban space in two main case studies (Conjunto Vera Cruz and Residencial Jardim Cerrado) allows reflect on the projective premises that contribute to the creation of qualified spaces for full human development. Research results lead to the understanding that a social housing project must be connected to a city project. Thus, promoting the right to housing becomes a tool for a city that was born as planned one to regain control of its expansion by producing and managing urban space to ensure good living conditions for the whole of the population.application/pdfAcesso AbertoConjuntos habitacionaisProjetoQualidade urbanísticaGoiâniaProdução do espaço urbanoStateUrban fabricHousing estatesProjectUurban qualityARQUITETURA E URBANISMO::PROJETO DE ARQUITETUTA E URBANISMOCidades na cidade: habitação social e produção do espaço urbano em GoiâniaCities within a city: social housing and the making of urban spaceDissertação