2021-04-282021-04-282021-03-30SANTOS, L. A. O professor de Geografia do ensino médio, orientações curriculares recentes e os conteúdos relacionados à geopolítica. 2021. 228 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11302Teaching is an important aspect to be considered in the professional development process. The teaching action requires knowledge of the teacher and multiple conditions for its exercise, constantly marked by change and movement. The focus of this investigation is on the action of the Geography teacher in his context of acting in the school. Starting from this interpretative horizon, in this thesis, we sought to analyze the relationship between teaching work and the School Geography curriculum in high school as an expression of the relationships established between external curricular prescriptions / orientations and the theoretical-methodological conceptions of the teacher. In order to understand these changes in the Geography teacher's practice, a parallel was established with different curricular proposals that occurred in Brazil and in Goiás in the last 20 years. In this interval, the curriculum was frequently presented as one of the central themes of the political agenda, encompassing a series of subjects who are often distant from the school context. The present investigation is configured in a collaborative research and was developed from some questions: How does the teacher relate to the curriculum? How does the teacher understand and reflect on him, as an official document that limits and sometimes hinders his work in the classroom? How can the teacher print autonomous proposals in the development of geographic content? In order to seek answers to these questions, an approach was established with high school Geography teachers through the institution of a training group - the GDG, in order to accompany some work development with the curriculum that revealed and evidenced such relations. The empirical research was carried out with five high school Geography teachers in Goiás, in two cities, and was divided into two stages (interviews with teachers and development of a discussion group). Based on the studies carried out, the critical reading of the curricular documents and through the different instruments used (observation, interviews, construction of Content Maps) and subsequent analysis and interpretation of the data, the following thesis is defended: the Geography teacher , when working on content related to geopolitics, he makes an amalgam between the prescriptions / curricular guidelines and his theoretical-methodological conceptions for the development of his classes in high school. Within the curricular propositions, the most recent proposal, BNCCEM, was emphasized in the work, highlighting the need for the professor to monitor what is happening in the curriculum, contributing to the development of the curriculum and analyzing its feasibility in its professional practice. It was noticed that, in situations of not understanding the proposal and adhering to the prescribed curriculum without a critical reading, what occurs or may occur is an amalgamation that cripples the curricular proposal developed with School Geography. In this understanding, when the teacher does not perform the amalgam in a conscious and authorial way, he ends up mutilating the curricular proposal developed with the Geography that he wants to work and teach at school. On the other hand, the more the teacher knows the curriculum, the more chances he has of appropriating and doing autonomous and authorial work guided by that curriculum. Thus, it is necessary to consider that, between the proposals for changes and the practices already established and consolidated, the relationships are not direct and depend on a variety of factors, among which, among them, is the active participation of teachers in the curriculum development process.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalProfessor de GeografiaDesenvolvimento profissionalCurrículoEnsino médioGrupo de discussãoGeography teacherProfessional developmentCurriculumGeopoliticsHigh schoolDiscussion groupGeopolíticaCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAO professor de Geografia do ensino médio, orientações curriculares recentes e os conteúdos relacionados à geopolíticaThe high school Geography teacher, recent curriculum guidelines and content related to geopoliticsTese