2014-07-292012-03-012009-10-05LAGARES, Mirne-gleyde. The feast of St. John Baptist, the geneology of the social networking sites and the (re)with the territory. 2009. 123 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1868The feast of St. John the Baptist studied held annually between the City of Heitoraí-GO and the District of Uruíta-Uruana-GO. It is a rural festival, takes place on or around June 23 and has a transitory year. The organizational work is unpaid and the food fresh and served in the last days are free. All the rituals, expenses and the work is carried out collectively by the communities living in these areas. The feast of St. John the Baptist began, according to respondents, for the payment of a promise made to the local stream to get water back in his bed. In this context the question is: What and how the factors and / or cultural events (re) configure the territory of the annual feast of St. John the Baptist? What's "live" a festive area so different from the commonly experienced in other parties in the news? What is the role of myth, tradition, rituals, "places of memory" of social networks and everyday life in the (re) configuration of the party? To answer these questions, we resort to sociology, anthropology, geography, among others. In science, we seek to expand knowledge about the categories territory, place and party, built on a concept of social networks and everyday to understand the cultural events of the feast of St. John the Baptist. For this, the methodological techniques used were subsidized by the human sciences such as participant observation, interviews, informal conversations, wheels conversations with the faithful participants, photos, folders and theoretical and methodological review. To analyze the seat, planning and social networks on the feast of St. John the Baptist were found to several authors: Paul Claval (1999, 2001), Bonnemaison (2002), Duvignaud (1983), Satyr Maia (2003), mozza (2006 ), Barcellos (1995), Serpa (2005), Haesbaert (2006, 2007), Brandão (2004), Almeida (2003, 2005), Person (2005), DaMatta (1997), Canclini (2003), Massey (2000) , Rosendahl (2003), among others. The results underscore the importance of social networks and daily maintenance on the territory of the feast of St. John the Baptist. Emphasize the strength of rural communities, as well as their identities managed from a base in common, dealing with the permanent nature. Furthermore, the results reinforce the existence of several other factors like the 'places of memory ", the" geossímbolos ", the" temporary ", the sacred ritual / secular, the strength of the festive tradition, the transformations (re) means the territory the feast of St. John the Baptist. The above elements are part of the (re) configuration of this territory festive, with each person, entwined in the (re) training of the web often the feast of St. John the Baptist. Finally, invigorates the idea that the border of this area is festive in men who have the identity, which directly influences to celebrate, see and experience the feast of St. John the Baptist.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFesta de São João BatistaLugarTerritórioRessignificação espacialFeast of St. John the BaptistPlaceTerritoryReframing spaceFest de S. João Batist Goiás (Estad); Lugar; Território; Ressignif espacCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAA festa de São João Batista: da genealogia dos lugares às redes sociais e a (re)conformação do territórioThe feast of St. John Baptist, the geneology of the social networking sites and the (re)with the territoryDissertação