2014-07-292010-10-282009-05-01LISBOA, Odicicléia Alves de Sousa. Using straws and extracts of Crotalaria juncea L. Brachiaria decumbens and Stapf.como alternative to control the germination and emergence of seeds of some weed. 2009. 107 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Biolóicas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1245The allelopathy can be an alternative method to the control of weed plants. The use of cover crops straw as a mechanical barrier, or its chemical compounds resulted of staw decomposition, can inhibit the germination and growth of some weed plants. The objectives of this work were to evaluate the mechanical, allelopathyc and allelopathyc metabolite of straw decomposition effects on seeds germination of hairy beggarticks (Bidens pilosa L.), red morningglory (Ipomoea coccinea L.), goosegrass (Eleusine indica L.), milkweed (Euphorbia heterophylla L.) and bur grass (Cenchrus echinatus L.) weed plants. It were evaluated also the aquous straw effects on the germination of seeds of these weed plants and lettuce seeds, and to quantify the most important chemical metabolites in these aquous straw extracts, and the presence of phenols and flavonoids in the extracts stored during four weeks (0, 7, 14, 21 e 28 days). To obtair dormency supression and the best results in the germinations of the seeds of beggarticks (Bidens pilosa L.), red morningglory (Ipomea coccinea L.) and bur grass (Cenchrus echinatus L.), the seeds of the weed plants where immersed hot water (70 ºC) and in KNO3 solution (0,02%). Bur grass seeds were also exposed to 10 ºC for different periods. In conclusion, the crotalaria and braquiaria straws had both mechanical and allelopathyc effects on the seed germination and emergengy for the weed plants tested. When it had been observed the inhibition of the crotalaria and braquiaria aquous straws extracts on the radicular and aereal seedlings growth of red morningglory, milkweed and lettuce its effects were more pronounced at the higher used concentration. Phenols and flavonoids were found in the crotalaria and brachiaria aquous straw extracts, however its contents showed a reduction along the storing period. About the supression dormency methods utilized, It Was not observed supression dormency in all tested methods, wether some get affected the germination of the seed.application/pdfAcesso Abertocobertura vegetalplantas invasorasalelopatiacrops strawsweed plantallelopathy1. cobertura vegetal 2.plantas invasoras 3.alelopatiaCNPQ::CIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS::BIOQUIMICA::BIOLOGIA MOLECULARUtilização de palhadas e extratos de Crotalária juncea L. e Brachiária decumbens Stapf.como alternativa no controle da germinação e emergência de sementes de algumas plantas daninhasUsing straws and extracts of Crotalaria juncea L. Brachiaria decumbens and Stapf.como alternative to control the germination and emergence of seeds of some weedDissertação