2015-11-202015-08-17ESTRELA, D. C. Obesidade e estresse crônico em fêmeas de ratos wistar: avaliação comportamental, bioquímica e hematológica. 2015. 89 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biodiversidade Animal) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4933Obesity and chronic stress have been considered major public health problems that affect millions of people worldwide. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of obesity associated with chronic stress on neurobehavioral parameters, hematological and biochemical in rats, considering that the association of these diseases can enhance their negative effects on homeostasis of the organism. For this, female Wistar rats were distributed in the following groups: standard diet (SD), standard diet + stress (DP + stress), cafeteria diet (Cafe) and cafeteria diet + stress (Cafe + stress) groups (n=12 rats, per group). The animals of the DP and DP + stress groups were fed standard food. Groups Cafe and Cafe + stress, additionally to the standard feed, were offered palatable and calorie-rich processed food, water with sucrose (300 g/L)and cola-type soft drink ad libitum. From the eighth experimental week, groups Std + stress and Cafe + stress were subjected to restraint chronic stress model (50 days). After the restraint chronic stress the animals were subjected to predictive anxiety tests (open field and elevated plus maze tests) and depression (forced swimming test). At the end of the experiment was evaluated hematological parameters (erythrogram, leucogram and platelet parameters) and biochemical (lipid profile, blood glucose, total proteins and fractions). The results demonstrate that cafeteria diet was able to induce obesity in the above animals, increasing body mass, weight of retroperitoneal and visceral fat, body mass index, specific rate of weight gain, weight delta efficacy coefficient food, weight gain coefficient for calorie intake, nasoanal length, abdominal circumference and kilocalories ingested. The ratio locomotion in the central quadrants/total locomotion evaluated during the open field test was not indicative of anxiogenic or anxiolytic effect in the animal’s behavior. However, the elevated plus maze test showed that obese and stressed animals were prone to higher anxiety levels. In addition, the obese and stressed animals display less climbing behavior than all the other groups, which can be considered an indicator of depression-like behavior. No damaging effects caused by the interaction of obesity and stress were observed on the biochemical and hematological parameters. Only individual effects of the factor obesity on leukocyte and glycemic parameters were observed. The obese animals presented hypoglycemia and leukocytosis by neutrophilia and lymphocytosis.application/pdfAcesso AbertoModelos experimentaisSobrepesoAlimentos palatáveisEstresseNeurocomportamentoExperimental modelsOverweightPalatable foodStressNeurobehavioralCIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS::BIOQUIMICAObesidade e estresse crônico em fêmeas de ratos wistar: avaliação comportamental, bioquímica e hematológicaObesity and chronic stress in female rats Wistar: behavioral assessment, biochemical and hematologicalDissertação