2017-01-092016-10-14Ferreira, G. F. Floresta estacional secundária: aspectos da dinâmica e manejo no bioma Cerrado. 2016. 116 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6698This study had as objective to evaluate diametric growth aspects and the dynamics in a Semideciduous seasonal forest, twelve years after the conduction of a silvicultural management. The main objects were: to analyze the arboureous community density during the period that ranges from 2003 to 2015, after silvicultural interventions (Chapter 1); to develop Markov models and test its predictive capacity for different silvicultural managements (Chapter 2). The experiment was carried out in 2003, in Fazenda Vagafogo, Pirenópolis, Goiás. Experimental area was divided in four blocks, and, inside each one, three plots were allocated (25 30 m – 750 m 2), with the following treatments: Treatment 1 – control (T1), without interventions; Treatment 2 – all woody species were removed at a distance of one meter, considering the wanted trees (T2); Treatment 3 – T2 was repeated, joining to large lianas removal all over the plot (T3). Inside the plots, in 2003, 2007 and 2015, all the individuals (DBH > 3 cm) were measured. The community dynamics, considering the period ranging from 2003 to 2015, was described according to mortality taxes, recruitment, basal area gain and loss, net change rate to the number of individuals and basal area. Collected data were also used to develop Markov models that describe the seasonal forest dynamics of the diameter distribution after silvicultural treatments application (GT1, GT2, and GT3). Treatments did not negatively affect long term the community dynamics, because, in all treatments, recruitment was higher than mortality. Growth taxes and annual periodic increment (API) between 2003- 2007 and 2007-2015 analysis allow us to conclude that silvicultural treatments lost its effect, because taxes drop considerably in the second period compared to the first one. Models GT1, GT2 and GT3 were tested for an 8 year period (two consecutive projections), and all of them were able to efficiently simulate the diametric structure. This way, Markov chain is an efficient tool to project seasonal deciduous forests dynamics upon silvicultural interventions, which strengths its importance as a tool for forest management.application/pdfAcesso AbertoModelagemCerradoTratamentos silviculturaisFloresta semidecidualModelingBrazilian savannahSilvicultural treatmentsSemideciduous forestRECURSOS FLORESTAIS E ENGENHARIA FLORESTAL::MANEJO FLORESTALFloresta estacional secundária: aspectos da dinâmica e manejo no bioma CerradoSecondary seasonal forest: dynamics and management aspects of Cerrado biomeTese