2021-03-182021-03-182020-05-12MACHADO, C. S. Estresse e trabalho: aproximações com a psicodinâmica do trabalho. 2020. 113 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11162Work is fundamental in human life as an activity that produces meaning and meaning, from which the subject can constitute his identity, recognition, develop potentialities, produce knowledge about nature, subject and society. When the contradictions between labor and capital are given, labor activity becomes reduced only to the financial aspect, as a producer of profit and consumption. Under these conditions the subject does not know and alienate the genuine sense of work. When in better conditions the subject would fight against illness, but in the face of such contradiction, much of it goes to work and get sick. The process of occupational sickness is today seen as a serious public health problem. Among the various interfaces of illness at work, it is important to study the psychic illness associated with occupational stress. When trying to understand and study the stress object within his epistemology for Psychology was found several validated and standardized instruments on stress. In different fields, areas and actions in which stress is described, our interest has turned to stress in health and education professionals. As for the methodological aspects, it was investigated that different theoretical constructs, practices and procedures verified the same object. From then on, it was sought to understand how the different interfaces of Psychology construct the construct, which today we understand as occupational stress and which evaluation instruments are used in order to produce reflections and problematizationsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEstresse psicológicoTrabalhoAdoecimento psíquico e instrumentos de avaliaçãoPsychological stressWorkPsychic illness and evaluation toolsCIENCIAS HUMANAS::PSICOLOGIAEstresse e trabalho: aproximações com a psicodinâmica do trabalhoStress and work: approximations with the psychodynamics of workDissertação