2015-11-192014-07-29SANTO, A. M. Estimação relativa de tempo de vida de transformadores de distribuição, considerando cargas não lineares. 2014. 213 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica e da Computação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4927Electricity customers’ devices, connected to the secondary distribution network linked to distribution transformers belonging to the electrical energy distributor, modernize every year. These devices usually consist of components capable of processing energy and produce distortion at the load current. Thus these devices are typified as non-linear load and its effects influence the operation of the distribution transformers with implications for its lifetime. Therefore, this work presents the study of the influence of non-sinusoidal signals (distorted signals) in the lifetime of distribution transformers. In this sense equations are presented that allows to calculate transformers losses, their operating temperatures and estimate the percentage loss of life. To obtain results a computer program was developed in the numerical programming platform MATLAB based on the presented mathematical model. The developed program is supplied by data obtained from field as well as laboratory measurements. Results are also obtained by simulations. The focus of this study is the distribution system of the urban perimeter of the city Goiânia-GO.application/pdfAcesso AbertoTransformador de distribuiçãoCarga não linearPerdas em transformadorTemperatura de operaçãoPerda de vida percentualDistribution transformersNonlinear loadTransfomer lossesOperational temperaturePercent loss of lifeENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA ELETRICAEstimação relativa de tempo de vida de transformadores de distribuição, considerando cargas não linearesRelative estimation of distribution transformers lifetime, considering nonlinear loadsDissertação