2023-04-112023-04-112018-08-24LIMA, T. S. A. O hinário Novo Cântico em duas igrejas presbiterianas em Goiânia - GO: uso litúrgico, permanências e renovações. 2018. 172 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Musica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12749This work has as object of study the Presbyterian hymnal New Song and its use in two Presbyterian Churches in Goiânia / GO, the First Presbyterian Church of Goiânia and the Presbyterian Church Graça e Vida. It was sought to investigate its practice and liturgical use in these churches, one founded in 1935 and another in 2009, trying to understand how this song happens and the circumstances of permanence and renewal with them involved. The methodological path that he invested in a bibliographical and documentary survey, an analysis of iconographic, sound and audiovisual sources, besides the in loco observation carried out in the two Churches, the analysis of the structure of the New Hymnbook and some selected hymns that integrate it, made it possible to prove the presumption that elements of renewal interact in a constant way with a careful cultivation of tradition. This is especially the case in the younger Church, which does not have the same structural conditions and the same workforce as the first one, including musical training and performance. When Freire (1994) states that music, like other languages, does not reduce itself to a determinate universe of meanings, it is capable of incorporating current meanings in interaction with latencies and residues of meanings (re-significances). Representations were evidenced, linked to this circumstance, revealing the identity processes related to each one of the Churches observed when dealing with this multi-time condensation, in addition to pointing to a residual strong linked to indoctrination and evangelization.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalHinário Novo CânticoIgrejas presbiterianasPrimeira Igreja Presbiteriana de Goiânia e Igreja Presbiteriana Graça e VidaPermanências e renovaçõesHymnal Novo CanticoPresbyterian churchesPrimeira Igreja Presbiteriana de Goiânia e Igreja Presbiteriana Graça e VidaPermanences and renewalsLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::ARTES::MUSICA::CANTOO hinário Novo Cântico em duas igrejas presbiterianas em Goiânia - GO: uso litúrgico, permanências e renovaçõesThe hymnal novo cântico in two presbyterians churches in Goiania - GO liturgical use, permanences and renewalsDissertação