2014-08-062009-10-30BELISÁRIO, Hugo Leonardo da Silva. Ciclos limite para a equação de Abel generalizada. 2009. 39 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Matemática) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2883In this work we conducted a study on the equations of the type dx dt = nå i=0 ai(t)xi; (A) where ai 2 C1, i = 0; ;n and 0 t 1. An equation of the form (A) is called a generalized Abel equation. Our study refers to the problem proposed by C. Pugh: There is a natural number N depending only on n, such that the equation (A) has at most N limit cycles? Initially we study the problem of C. Pugh for n = 1 and n = 2, for which the equation (A) has at most one and two limit cycles, respectively. For n = 3, A. Lins Neto shows that if a3(t) does not change sign on [0;1], then the equation (A) has at most three limit cycles. Also A. Lins Neto shows that, given a natural number l, it is possible to construct an equation of the form (A) with n = 3 that has at least l limit cycles. Still for n = 3, A. Gasull and J. Llibre study the problem of C. Pugh considering that a2(t) does not change sign on [0;1], and M. J. Alvarez, A. Gasull and H. Giacomini also study the problem of C. Pugh considering that there are real numbers a and b such that aa3(t)+ba2(t) does not change sign on [0;1] and a1(t) = a0(t) = 0. Besides this, we study some more general results studied by A. Gasull and A. Guillamon.application/pdfAcesso abertoEquação de AbelAplicação de PoincaréEstabilidade de órbitas periódicasCiclo limite16º problema de HilbertAbel equationPoincaré mapStability of periodic órbitsLimit cycle16th Hilbert problemCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::MATEMATICACiclos limite para a equação de Abel generalizadaLimit cycles for generalized Abel equationDissertação