2015-02-272014-10-30SILVA, J. S. O sindicalismo rural em Goiás e a FETAEG: das origens ao fim da oposição sindical (1963-1992). 2014. 314 f. Tese (Doutorado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4202This thesis is a history of union organization of workers in agriculture in the state of Goiás, between 1963 and 1992, that is, the foundation of the first unions to extinction of Rural Workers Trade Union Opposition. The starting point is the origin of the unions in the history of modern societies, created by the working class to combat the exploitation of its workforce. The Following are the definitions of bureaucracy, while social class relations and bureaucratic red tape, with the fundamental references formulations of Marx, Viana and Tragtenberg. The contributions of Weber and Lefort are secondary references. In characterizing the bureaucratization of unions, the analyzes of Luxembourg and Pannekoek are basic. Reconstitution of the bureaucratization of the union organization process in Brazil is based on works of national authors and analysis of trade union legislation. The theoretical and historical explanation is performed in the first chapter. The second is devoted to the emergence of rural unionism in the state of Goiás In the third and fourth story is addressed to the Federation of Agricultural Workers in the State of Goiás – Fetaeg – including the relationship with the Trade Union Opposition and the struggles of peasants and agricultural workers. In addition to bibliographical sources, journalistic sources, official documents of the Ministry of Labor, the state government, the unions of rural workers and Fetaeg were used. Some oral testimonies were used in a complementary manner.application/pdfAcesso AbertoSindicatosBurocracia sindicalSTRFETAEGUnionsUnion bureaucracyCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAO sindicalismo rural em Goiás e a FETAEG: das origens ao fim da oposição sindical (1963-1992)The rural unionism in Goiás and the Fetaeg: origins of the end of the union opposition (1963-1992)Tese