2018-04-022018-03-23VERAS, M. O. Parceria público-privada na saúde: análise dos hospitais públicos geridos por organizações sociais. 2018. 73 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração Pública em Rede Nacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Aparecida de Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8284The administrative reform that took place in the 1990s through the Fernando Henrique Cardoso government brought a series of changes in the State apparatus, bringing even to this structure the so-called social organization. This is a type of non-profit entity that can act in several areas of the public context, one being the health area. This scenario instigated the present study, whose purpose was to make a parallel between hospitals that were previously administered directly by the State of Goiás and are currently managed by social health organizations. Four hospitals were in this situation. Therefore, six study variables were delimited, being: average of permanence, mortality rate, total value, value of hospital services, number of hospitalizations and value of professional services. The data were collected from DATASUS and for its analysis a means test was performed to evaluate if there were significant changes after the implantation of the social health organization in the hospitals examined in this study. It was found that the significant changes were concentrated around the values. The variables: number of hospitalizations and mean length of stay did not show a significant change in relation to any hospital. There was a health unit that did not present significant changes in relation to any variable. Considering the dysfunctions perceived in this study, it was pointed out a proposal of intervention with the objective of indicating improvements to the process of supervision and monitoring carried out by the public power to the health services provided by social organizations. The focus of this proposal is directed to the improvement of the methodology used by the public administration in the evaluation of the performance of these entities.application/pdfAcesso AbertoOrganização social de saúdeHospitalQualidadeGoiásSocial health organizationHospitalQualityGoiasADMINISTRACAO::ADMINISTRACAO PUBLICAParceria público-privada na saúde: análise dos hospitais públicos geridos por organizações sociaisPublic-private partnership in health: analysis of public hospitals managed by social organizationsDissertação