2015-05-192015-03-04TRINDADE, I. E. Contribuições da Missa para a sobrevivência do Latim no Português. 2015. 212 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4554Studying the contributions of the Mass to the Latin survival into the Portuguese Language, it was investigated the use of words and Latin expressions in the ritual of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Mass, which resisted the changing process when it was translated from Latin into Portuguese, in order to check whether the religion would be a social element capable of assuring the Latin survival into the Portuguese Language. In this regard, I initially aimed at identifying such Latin expressions in the ritual of Mass; describing the context of their use and point out the main factors which contribute their maintenance. It is understood that maintaining archaic words is an attitude, even unconsciously, of being opposed to the processes of linguistic changes. They are, therefore, conservation marks and when investigating them it is possible to find information about the processes of linguistic changes, in particular, and about the linguistic itinerary, in a broad way. This research was accomplished through written and speaking data. In the first case, it was analyzed one of the materials that subside the Mass ritual, the Missal, in three Latin editions (1744, 1915 and 1944) and one Portuguese (1992), based on a philological study. Afterwards, using the historical comparative method, some excerpts of the Mass in Latin and in Portuguese were compared, trying to identify Latin marks that resisted this changing process. In the end, factors that contribute to the process of conservation of archaic forms were analyzed and, through a field research it was attempted to identify how these Latin marks manifest in the everyday life of a community that practises such ritual. The thesis defended in this paper is that the Latin - although it is not a living language, since it does not have native speakers - it cannot be conceived as a dead language as well, for many words and expressions, including morphological Latin characteristics, are used in Portuguese, in several, as written as spoken, due to the Mass influence. These data give to the Latin the title of survivor into the Portuguese Language, and the Mass, by maintaining Latin excerpts in its ritual, become one of the agencies that guarantee such survival, mainly for being a millenar ritual wide spread, root of Christian religion and a strong element in the Brazilian culture, which enabled a voluntary adhesion of the participants in the ritual of incorporating these words in their lexical repertoire. In a dialogue between philological and field research, it was discovered that the classical forms of ecclesiastic Latin are widely productive in its interjections, in the noun class, adjectives, and in its following phrases. In general, this study reveals that the Catholic Mass, besides guaranteeing survival to the Latin into the Portuguese Language, is part of the popular imaginary, guides uses and disuse of words and expressions, controls habits and social behavior. It is, thus, an element of the linguistic historical and cultural patrimony, mainly of rural community of Catholic origin. The theoretical framework of this research is mainly Historical Linguistic assumptions, in dialogism between History and Theology.application/pdfAcesso AbertoMudança linguísticaConservação linguísticaMissaSobrevivência latinaLinguistic changeLinguistic conservationMassLatin survivalLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LINGUISTICAContribuições da Missa para a sobrevivência do Latim no PortuguêsContributions of Mass to the Latin survival into the Portuguese languageTese