2014-10-022012-04-03SILVA, Caroline Tavares da. O poema longo moderno e contemporâneo. 2011. 143 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3263he present dissertation is about the long poem as a genre problem and style by the epic and the lyric, having as object, to develop the theme, three long poems from Gerardo Mello Mourão: Susana, “Suíte do couro ou louvação do couro” (“The leather’s suite or the leather’s laudation”) e “O País dos mourões” (“The country of Mourões”). To start our research, we start from the concept that the history of the long poem was linked to the history of epic and medieval poem until the emerging of Romantism – when the epic united itself to the lyric one (HEGEL, 1997, p. 551). In fact, before Romantism, the long poem was actually the epic poem, cause the classic authors, and the ones before them, was attached to the form to make their poems and the traditional form for a long poem was the epic. The romantic poets broke with the classic formalism, cause they sing about the feelings they are having, wich means, there is an immersion of the subject on the poetic discourse and the used for is a consequence of this. After that, they can composse poems in anyway they want to, with the propose to express the feelings of the moment. Because of that, we consider the long poem, as we know, as a product of Romantism, created from the broke to the classic formalism.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPoema longoHibridismo de gênerosÉpicoLíricoGerardo Mello Mourãolong poemGenre hibridismoEpic poemLyric poemLETRAS::TEORIA LITERARIAO poema longo moderno e contemporâneoThe modern and contemporary long poemDissertação