2020-09-292020-09-292020-07-31BRANDÃO, A. C. P. O acontecimento discursivo do “feminejo”: uma reflexão sobre o empoderamento e os regimes de verdade nas canções de Marília Mendonça. 2020. 120 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10815This dissertation aims to reflect about the empowerment and truth regimes in the songs of Marília Mendonça, considering the discourses that constitute the event of the “feminejo”. The ideas of empowerment and truth regimes on which we seek to reflect about could be verified through an enunciative regularity captured in digital media articles about the songs of the referred singer as well as, in general, about the songs of the “feminejo”, name attributed to a group of women of the Brazilian country music that started to have visibility in different media from the year of 2016. In order to achieve the proposed objective, we seek to understand whether the empowerment of which the utterances of digital media refer to comes close to the notion of empowerment of feminist studies as well as to understand which knowledge techniques and mechanisms of power act in the construction of an idea of truth about the songs sung by the singer. For this work to be inserted in Foucault discursive studies and for being supported by them, the notions of utterance, discourse, enunciative regularity, archive, as well as that of the dispositif with which this work dialogues are presented according to formulations made by Michel Foucault and his entry into the postulates of the French Speech Analysis (AD). It is a research, which analysis uses the archeological method of the French philosopher. It starts, therefore, from the sayings, the utterances, the discourses in order to understand how the power relations are established, what kind these relations are and how they act in the practices of subjectivation. During the studies and analysis of the corpus, which consists of utterances from the digital media and lyrics from Marília Mendonça's songs, we confirm our initial hypothesis that the empowerment attributed to the singer is the result of the mechanisms of power of neoliberal rationality, which already constitutes the female subject of the current western, as well as the claim that her songs tell the truth about romantic love is the effect of the loving dispositif, which together with other devices of power and with neoliberal rationality, govern women.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilDiscursoVerdadeEmpoderamentoNeoliberalismoContracondutaTruthEmpowermentNeoliberalismCounter-conductLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LINGUISTICA::TEORIA E ANALISE LINGUISTICAO acontecimento discursivo do “feminejo”: uma reflexão sobre o empoderamento e os regimes de verdade nas canções de Marília MendonçaDissertação