2014-10-172013-04-04SILVA, Sandra Máscimo da Costa e. Caracterização agronômica de variedades botânicas de Hancornia speciosa Gomes do Cerrado. 2013. 170 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3378We conducted this study in order to evaluate the phenological, characterized physically and chemically characterize morphologically the fruits and plants of four varieties of botanical H. speciosa Gomes Cerrado. The study was conducted from june 2009 to august 2011, the germplasm bank Hancornia speciosa EA/UFG, located in Goiânia, GO whose geographical coordinates place: height 16 ° 35'39 "S, length 49 ° 17'07" W and 733 m level.The soil is oxisol, medium texture and smoothly undulating relief. According to Köppen, the climate is Aw. For all statistical analyzes we used the software R. Means were compared by the Scott-Knott test at 5% probability.In chapter three were evaluated fortnightly, phenology of 57 progenies of four botanical varieties mangaba tree. These events were divided into vegetative and reproductive phenophases. For evaluation, we used a scale ranging from zero through ten. The results indicate that the flowering mangaba tree occurs throughout the year, with greater intensity in the early summer. The renewal of the leaves of H. speciosa occurs at the end of the drought, at the peak of the reproductive phase, for all botanical varieties. The development and maturation of fruits occur in the period august-november until the beginning of summer. There is variation in the duration and time of occurrence of phenological events among botanical varieties. In chapter four evaluated the main physical and chemical characteristics of fruits of three botanical varieties (cuyabensis, gardneri and pubescens). The fruits of mangaba tree germplasm bank of H. speciosa EA/UFG place chemical patterns suitable for fresh consumption. H. speciosa var. pubescens had a higher potential for industrialization due to higher ATT. The varieties studied showed MF, solids, titratable acidity and pH above average for this species. The variety pubescens has larger fruit, higher mass, higher pulp yield, higher ATT, lower pH and SST/ATT. In chapter five morphologically characterized the four botanical varieties of mangaba tree the germplasm bank Hancornia speciosa EA/UFG. The biometric evaluations were: plant height (AP), height of the first fork (APB), number of bifurcations (NB) time of initiation of the canopy (AIC), stem diameter at 20 cm from the ground (DC) and Area canopy projection (APC). The results showed differences between the four botanical varieties mangaba tree in terms of AP, DC and APC. In varieties H. speciosa var. gardneri and H. speciosa var. cuyabensis predominate sized plants with higher bifurcations tallest, largest diameter and largest area of canopy projection. The variety pubescens has smaller plants, while the variety speciosa have lower stem diameter and crown APC.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFrutas nativasMangabeiraVariedade botânicaFruits nativeMangaba treeBotanical varietyCIENCIAS AGRARIAS::AGRONOMIACaracterização agronômica de variedades botânicas de Hancornia speciosa Gomes do CerradoAgronomic characterization of botanical varieties of Hancornia speciosa of the CerradoTese