2017-01-202016-10-21MARQUES, J. E. D. C. Juventude do Partido dos Trabalhadores: institucionalização e militância juvenil. 2016. 411 f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6773This doctoral thesis works with the theme of youth and political participation, specifically with regard to youth organizations militating within the political parties, namely youth wings. While subunits institutionally recognized by the parties in Brazil, the youths in the parties is a key area not only as a fertile field for formal political socialization, but mostly because participate in the arena of disputes and intra-party influences. These points draw the central issue: how institutional working dynamics of party youth organizations and what their role and influence in the arena party politics? In order to delimit the object of research and enable a higher breath study, from a specific focus subject, we analyzed in depth the Party's Youth Organisation of Workers Party (Brazil). The objective of the research in this sense is to analyze a party subunit "Juventude do PT" as the dynamics of organizational operation and intra-party political position, trajectory of institutional performance, as well as the motivations, goals, beliefs of young people who choose to military in a political party. The methodology from the point of view of the problem approach is qualitative and quantitative nature and the technical procedures for collecting consisted of indirect documentation collection technique and technique of intensive direct observation. We conclude that the ongoing institutionalization of JPT over three decades is accompanied by the maintenance of control of party leadership in some aspects of its political movement and deliberation, wich directly affecting its organizational autonomy. To function effectively, the JPT needs partisan leaders approval of material incentives and ratification of more general initiatives. The youth militants of PT reproduce in their youth organization disputes between the trends observed in the party sphere and the axes student movement and elections have been incorporated in the last decade other fronts of political intervention. And they envisage in a political party the opportunity to concretize in the field of political dispute their concerns about social problems and the building of ideals.application/pdfAcesso AbertoJuventudes partidáriasJuventude do PTPartido dos TrabalhadoresPartidos políticosJovensPolíticaYouth party organizationYouth wingsJuventude do PTPolitical partiesYoung peoplePoliticsCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIAJuventude do Partido dos Trabalhadores: institucionalização e militância juvenilTese