2018-02-152015-01-29GARBELIM, M. S. A produção sócia do espaço na região norte de Goiânia: desconcentração, segregação e política urbana. 2014. 110 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8163The transformations in the uses of the "urban voids" in the Região Norte de Goiânia, especially in the vicinity of the Rio Meia Ponte and Ribeirão João Leite, are expressions of a metropolis that expands in an accelerated way. These areas were preserved in a planned way, from the initial moments of the construction of the capital of Goiás, due to the extensive forests of Cerrado and numerous springs, but from the end of the 2000s, economic interests observe the Região Norte as the last bill of sale about the city. The growing interests of capitals are linked to and stimulate the forms and processes of urban deconcentration, in which the construction of buildings, factories and shopping malls threaten the environmental degradation of areas of flagrant environmental fragility and even disarticulate the friendly ways of life less agitated in relation to the other regions of Goiânia. In this context, the dissertation analyzes the performance of the social segments in order to make feasible the production of new urban spaces, with a view to the effects on socio-spatial segregation structures and the dynamics of mobilizations of representatives of state capitals and agents, as well as ecological and community conflicts, which lead to conflicts amidst the stimuli for the dispersion and production of new centralities in the Northern Region.application/pdfAcesso AbertoSegregação socioespacialPolítica urbanaDesconcentração urbanaRegião norte de GoiâniaSegregationUrban policyDeconcentrationRegião norte de GoiâniaCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIAA produção sócia do espaço na região norte de Goiânia: desconcentração, segregação e política urbanaThe social production of space in the região norte de Goiânia: disconcentration, segregation and urban policyDissertação