2014-10-312013-08-23SOUZA, Rodrigo da Silva. Ajustamento assimétrico de preços na cadeia produtiva do feijão no estado de Goiás. 2013. 86 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronegócio) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3495Beans are traditional Brazilian staple food, and relatively cheap source of protein, minerals, vitamins and fiber for the low-income population. Production chain has barriers, especially in the marketing system, the lack of price transparency and information asymmetry. Considering the various agents in the bean production chain in the state of Goiás (producers, wholesalers and retailers), this study sought to test whether the adjustment of prices in this chain is asymmetric, i.e., if the price increases are transmitted more quickly and greater magnitude than the decreases. Moreover, as a specific objective, this study sought to examine the relationship between prices along the bean production chain through the autoregressive model and calculating sales margins. The results infer that the price adjustment is asymmetric along the production chain in the state of Goiás, being the main cause of this wholesale market failure. Thus, consumers do not benefit from the decrease in producer prices. These results are relevant to the implementation of sectoral policies related to food security, especially the low-income population, which undertakes a higher percentage of their income on buying food products.application/pdfAcesso AbertoSistema de comercializaçãoFalha de mercadoFeijãoMarketing systemMarket failureBeansECONOMIA REGIONAL E URBANA::ECONOMIA REGIONALAjustamento assimétrico de preços na cadeia produtiva do feijão no estado de GoiásAsymmetric price adjustment along the food chain of bean in the state of GoiásDissertação