2016-09-012016-04-16SOUSA SILVA, Maria Rita de. Ultrassonografia de calcâneo e de falange no diagnóstico da osteoporose. 2016. 93 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências da Saúde) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6079Introduction: Resulting from changes in bone remodeling process osteoporosis affects a large segment of the adult population. According to Ministry of Health data in Brazil are spent on average with hip fractures due to osteoporosis, 28 million reais per year. The gold standard for diagnosis and DXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) but doubts remain whether the BMD (Bone Mineral Density) by means of this standard is the best way to diagnose osteoporosis and predict fracture risk. Objectives: Make an osteoporosis on review article entitled "Physiology of Osteoporosis. Establish the sensibility of ultrasound in screening for osteoporosis from Ultrasonometry the calcaneus (USQC) in relation to the gold standard DXA. Establish the sensitivity of ultrasonography in screening for osteoporosis based on bone quality by Ultrasonometry Phalange (USQF) in relation to the gold standard DXA. Establish the sensitivity of ultrasonography in screening for osteoporosis based on bone quantity of USQF in relation to the gold standard DXA. Methods: A survey was conducted in PUBMED, MEDLINE, BVS / LILACS with the key words: osteoporosis, epidemiology and pathophysiology. We selected 80 articles and after reading these, we selected 25 articles published in the last 10 years. For diagnostic tests used a descriptive study consists of sample of 125 women between 30 and 90 years who underwent screening BMD through USQC, in the period between 13 and 23 May 2013 and after accepting participate and sign the Informed Consent and were referred to the realization of USQF and the gold standard DXA spine and femur Results: At USQC in relation to the column of DXA: S=16%, E=97%, VPP=57%, VPN=82% and accuracy of 80% in relation to the femur DXA: S=42,8%, E=97%, VPP=43%, VPN=96% and accuracy of 93%. In bone quality UBPI (Ultrassoud and Bone Profile Index) versus column DXA: S=68%, E=82%, VPP=48%, VPN=91% and accuracy of 79% and the femur DXA: S=77%, E=75%, VPP=17%, VPN=99% and accuracy of 76%. Bone quantity USQF relative to Column DXA: S=77% E=83%, VPP=54%, VPN=93 and accuracy of 81% and in relation to the femur DXA: S=100%, E=75%, VPP=19%, VPN=100% and accuracy 76%. Bone quantity USQC relative to USQF: S=14%, E=95.5%, VPP=50%, VPN=74% and accuracy of 72%. Discussion: Diagnostic tests are used to assess the commitment of the skeleton and check the presence of bone deterioration. The quantitative diagnostic test of calcaneal ultrasound compared to the column DXA and femur showed little sensitive to identify bone deterioration considering that the sample included women outside the risk group and this test is effective when carried out in over 60 patient years. The quality parameter UBPI and bone quantity USQF demonstrated to be sensitive and specific, especially in relation to the femur DXA with sensibility equal to the gold standard. Conclusion: The ultrasound of calcaneus had no relevance in screening or diagnosis of osteoporosis as compared to the gold standard DXA spine and femur in this study. The phalanx of Ultrasonography considering bone quality was an important factor in the screening or diagnosis of osteoporosis, especially when compared to the femur DXA. The phalanx ultrasound quantification of bone mass had relevance to the evaluation or diagnosis of osteoporosis column and especially in the femoral osteoporosis.application/pdfAcesso AbertoOsteoporoseDensidade ósseaUltrassonografiaDiagnósticoOsteoporosisBone densithUltrasonographyDiagnosisCIENCIAS DA SAUDEUltrassonografia de calcâneo e de falange no diagnóstico da osteoporoseUltrassound calcaneus and phalanx in the diagnosis of osteoporisDissertação