2018-10-152018-08-31LEAL, M. R. C. Net-ativismo e o discurso anticorrupção no Brasil entre duas controvérsias: #vem pra rua e #não vai ter golpe. 2018. 151 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8979This dissertation sought to portray the controversies present during the cycle of manifestations that took place in Brazil between 2015 and 2017 that had as a banner of struggle two discourses and ideological currents: one against corruption and in favor on the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff, who appropriated the slogan as controversy #Vem Pra Rua; and another that was against the “Parliamentary Coup” and who supported in the slogan/controversy #Não Vai Ter Golpe. The general objective is to investigate whether the collectives who joined these discourses and fight flags may or may not be considered net-activist movements in the mold of the Italian sociologist Massimo Di Felice (2013). The specific objectives are to expose some of these controversies through statements, images and speeches proliferated in social networks and during acts on the streets. Our research methodology proposes the interweaving of the Cartography of Controversies with the Discourse Analysis, in order to reveal the discursive networks that were formed around these controversies in the country, during the analyzes period. With this study, we sought a debate about the recent and intense ideological and political polarization and the developments that this dispute has brought to the country, both on the networks, on the streets and in society in general.application/pdfAcesso AbertoNet-ativismoCorrupçãoDiscursoControvérsiasImpeachmentNet-activismCorruptionDiscourseControversiesImpeachmentCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIANet-ativismo e o discurso anticorrupção no Brasil entre duas controvérsias: #vem pra rua e #não vai ter golpeNet-activism and anti-corruption discourse in Brazil between two controversies: #vem pra rua and #não vai ter golpeDissertação