2018-09-172018-05-31VARGAS, R. N. Sobre produção de mulheres negras nas ciências: uma proposta para a implementação da lei 10.639/03 no ensino de química. 2018. 91 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Química) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8879The history of black women has always been told from the point of view of white men. Thus, these women are linked to the representations of the enslaved, the black mother and the mulatto and received the function and representation to serve. Understanding how the black woman is present in history, we can understand her invisibility as a subject, a citizen and, especially, as protagonist and agent of her own history in Brazilian society. This invisibility reaches the field of sciences, still related to scientific rigor, the centrality of mathematics in the formulation of the laws of nature and the concepts of universality, neutrality and objectivity under which there is no space to hold discussions of race or gender. In the natural and technological sciences, as well as in other research sectors, the black woman is not the subject of which and to which one talks to, because when mentioning the blacks such areas refer to the black man and when mentioning women, refer to the white woman. Thus, in 2015 in Brazil, where the majority of the population declares to be black and brown, only 7% of the researchers with a Research Productivity fellowship from CNPq were black. The low representativeness of black women in scientific activity denounces the confluence of racism and sexism. This is a participatory research, which seeks the participation of the community and in which the traditional subject-object relationship is converted into a subject-subject relationship and aims to give visibility to the contribution of contemporary black women researchers in the construction of knowledge (presenting the trajectory and discussing the construction of subalternity), demystifying the sciences as a uniquely masculine, white and laboratory activity. We present the analysis of two pedagogical interventions developed with high school students of a State College of the Western Region of Goiânia, configuring the importance of the discussion about the concepts of gender and race by the teachers of Chemistry, contributing to the deconstruction of science as solely masculine and white. We consider that the development of these interventions represents the conscious contact and presentation of a non-hegemonic and non-Eurocentric science for a multicultural society such as the Brazilian society.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEnsino de químicaLei 10.639/03Mulheres negrasCiênciaChemistry teachingLaw 10.639/03Black womenScienceCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::QUIMICASobre produção de mulheres negras nas ciências: uma proposta para a implementação da lei 10.639/03 no ensino de químicaAbout the production of black women in science: a proposal for the implementation of law 10.639/03 in chemistry teachingDissertação