2014-07-292010-01-262009-03-17RIBEIRO, Roberta Rocha. The transitivity in the genre letter of the reader in the functionalists conceptions of the language. 2009. 113 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Lingüística, Letras e Artes) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2440The main objective of this work is to analyze the trend of the transitive organization in the genre letter of the reader. For in such a way, we support in them in the functionalists conceptions of the language, that consider the language in use, the verbal interaction, as well as the communicative intentions of the users of the language in the interaction. In what it refers to the transitivity, the functionalists‟ studies, in general, affirm that the phenomenon is syntactic-semantic, of phrasal scope and it is not depleted in the level of the verb. The verb is the generating nucleus of all the argument structure of the sentence and, each argument, assists in the transitive constitution. The transitivity, in this way, organizes the sentence and, consequently, the text, the discourse. Therefore, it is a phenomenon of organizational matrix. In this manner, we opt to investigating the uses of the transitivity in texts produced in pertaining to school environment. Our corpus is composed of letters of the reader written by fourth series‟ pupils, in 2003, the Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Aplicada à Educação da Universidade Federal de Goiás (CEPAE/UFG). Thus, we observe the phenomenon in the genre letter of the reader and, therefore, we also consider, the discourse genre theory (BAKHTIN, 2000) and of textual typology (ADAM, 2001; MARCUSCHI, 2005). We initiate our analysis verifying, in the texts selected for the qualitative analysis, the States of Affairs that the verbs represent leaving of the notion of verbal dynamism (DIK, 1997; NEVES, 2000). We evidence that 40.18% of the verbs denote action, 10.50% express process, 21.91% represent position and 27.39% are state verbs. Ahead of these quantitative data, we decide to observe the trend of the transitivity in consisting occurrences of action verbs, due to great recurrence. In this way, we choose declared sentences and with prototypical and no-prototypical verbs of action. In the section prototypic action, we notice that, in general, the occurrences are formed with verbs of action, perfectives, citizen human (or humanized) agentive, intentional. The behavior of objects varies, therefore it has cases where the object is totally affected, and also has objects who is partially affected. In the section no-prototypical action, the structure of the sentence if is similar of the prototypical verbs of action. The difference is in the direction of the verbs, that express action of the mental plan, saying and in the fact of the object, in general, also to denote materiality in these plans. After this stage of qualitative comment of the transitivity in the occurrences, we trace the relation between the phenomenon, the sort letter of the reader and the literal typology. In this direction, we perceive that, exactly in a sort of opinion, the action verbs appear in bigger amount, independently of the literal type that structure the texts. This recurrence if must to the fact of the pupils, for argumentative ends, frequently to use the narrative type, that asks for action verbs. In this manner, the transitive organization of the analyzed letters of the reader tends to reach higher degrees (HOPPER; THOMPSON, 1980). In other words, the transitivity of the searched corpus tends if to approach to transitive structure prototypic NP1 Vtrans NP2, where NP1 is subject agent, Vtrans is action verb and NP2 is the patient objectapplication/pdfAcesso Abertotransitividadecarta do leitorfuncionalismotipologia textualgêneros textuaistransitivityletter of the readerfunctionalismtextual ty-pologytextual genreCNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRASA transitividade em cartas do leitor à luz do funcionalismoThe transitivity in the genre letter of the reader in the functionalists conceptions of the languageDissertação