2014-07-292011-02-022007-08-30BASTOS, Luciene Maria. Society, individual and fetish: the constitution of subjectivity in the scope of the cultural industry. 2007. 126 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2007.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2157The present study is part of the Cultural and Educacional Process Research Line and aims at investigating the loss of meaning of education as culture in the constitution of subjectivity in a scope in which the cultural industry is a privileged means of socialization. The individual tends to make bonds with adaptation and acceptance of the existing things as natural and unchangeable. A similar constitution metamorphoses the individual into indifferentiated and fetishised object, once it excludes denial as part of human life in society, resulting in identification and adjustment to the established social organisation. This study seeks understanding of the elements and processes that produce what can be called fetishising of subjectivity. By researches bibliographical, in order to reach such understanding, it is sought in Adorno and Horkheimer, the fertility of their analysis of the rationality that goes through culture and society since the beginning of the present time. Subjectivity is seen as constitution present specifically in society, process mediated by contradictions and clashes between private dimensions (individual) and universal (social), which the individual is composed by. Labour, the creating activity of men, in the scope of production of life under the rules of capitalism is found submitted to this mean of production, generating an alienated human constitution, both materially and spiritually. From this study, it can be concluded that the conditions of blocking autonomous subjectivity occur in historical conditions. This is the tendency of present society, since it is a social organisation ruled by capital. Such adjustment does not nullify the constitution of a critical, autonomous subjectivity, since this a continuous human process, and as such, surrounded by uncertainties and possibilities.application/pdfAcesso Abertosubjetividadeindústria culturalculturasubjectivitycultural industrycultureCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOSociedade, indivíduo e fetiche: a constituição da subjetividade no âmbito da indústria culturalSociety, individual and fetish: the constitution of subjectivity in the scope of the cultural industryDissertação