2014-07-292012-03-302011-08-29MARQUES, Marília Daher. Área selection for implamentation of simplified landfill - A case study for the city of Guapo - GO. 2011. 77 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/621The disposal of Municipal Solid Waste is one of the major sanitation problems found in Brazil. The disposal of these wastes in inappropriate places brings social, environmental and economic disorders. Currently the state of Goiás has extremely low rate of proper disposal of MSW, especially in small cities. Recent regulatory instructions of ABNT and of SEMARH GO brought simplified methodology for the construction of simplified landfill for municipalities with untill 50.000 inhabitants, considered as small municipalities. As those have simplified structure, the area selection for deployment of those landfills must be careful to avoid possible environmental and social damages. Therefore, this work aimed to select viable areas for implementation of simplified landfill having as scenario the city of Guapó GO. It was determined a project horizon of 20 years. The selection of viable areas was performed using the geographic information system (GIS) ArcGis 9.3, which was used to exclude unsuitable areas according to current legislation. In the first stage of the study were used shapes provided by the State System of Statistics and Geographic Information of the State of Goiás. Were identified five possible areas for the implementation of simplified landfill which were submitted for individual evaluation using weighting matrices in which the areas were evaluated and scored according to aspects required by environmental legislation. Done the hierarchy process was searched for the presence or absence of legal reserves in them. As a result we obtained the three best areas for the implementation of simplified landfill in the city of Guapó and concluded that the selection of viable areas that meets the legal parameters can and should be done by all small municipalities in order to adjust the final disposal of their MSW and promote the welfare of local people and the preservation of the environment.application/pdfAcesso AbertoResíduos Sólidos UrbanosDisposição Final de ResíduosAterro Sanitário SimplificadoSeleção de ÁreaMunicipal Solid WasteFinal Waste DisposalSimplified LandfillArea SelectionResíduos sólidos urbanos; Aterro sanitário simplificado; Aterro sanitário Guapó (GO)CNPQ::ENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA SANITARIA::SANEAMENTO AMBIENTALSeleção de área para implantação de aterro sanitário simplificado: estudo de caso para o município de Guapó GOÁrea selection for implamentation of simplified landfill - A case study for the city of Guapo - GODissertação