2014-09-262013-06-27ARAÚJO, Mariana de Paiva. Eu, marca: a construção da identidade virtual e a narrativa instantânea dos 140 caracteres. 2013. 125 f. - Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3186This study aims to understand the process of identity construction in virtual social networking site Twitter. Based on discourse analysis, the research seeks to understand what are the strategies used by social actors in the appropriation of social networking sites as a space for individual representation. At first, we used the netnography, the observations involving participant and nonparticipant alternately, according to the needs encountered throughout the process dissertative. Thereafter began the work of cutting o f the object by selecting the profile to be analyzed from the perspective of the French school of discourse analysis. For it was possible to analyze the building individualized, with no comparison between actors, we sought to further cuts in the third month of the same profile, from January, February and March 2012. The conclusions identify the crossing of this process of individual representation by discursive strategies aimed at the consumer - the transformation of people into subjects consumables. The speech is no longer something natural and happens to be something built in order to make the identity represented there target of interest of other actors in the network. So the identity is established as a virtual node potential to be consumed collectively.application/pdfAcesso AbertoRedes sociaisConsumoIdentidadeTwitterDiscursoSocial networksConsumptionIdentityTwitterSpeechCOMUNICACAO::COMUNICACAO VISUALEu, marca: a construção da identidade virtual e a narrativa instantânea dos 140 caracteresI, brand: the construction of identity and narrative virtual instant of 140 characteresDissertação