2014-12-042013-10-17BORGES, Luana Silva. Corpos ex-cêntricos: o feminino e a linguagem em A cidade sitiada e em Hora da estrela, de Clarice Lispector. 2013. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia. 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3721The critical fortune of Clarice Lispector treated, in much, female characters who struggle against the anguish and the nullification within wealthy families. Are women who live in bourgeois contexts, facing daily exhaustive dedication to others: canceled amid children, husbands, the society events that pressure them. However, if the studies favored, greatly, the transgressors streams of consciousness of these protagonists, there is a hue less discussed by critics. It regards the female profiles subjectified in contexts economically peripheral. Here, we studied two of these productions, seeking to understand how Lucrécia Neves, in A cidade sitiada, novel, 1949, and Macabéa in A hora da estrela, novel, 1977, are subjectified in these contexts of cancellation and decentering. We note that, in writing about female characters doubly canceled – because women in a patriarchal society, because the poor in a capitalist society – Lispector uses at least one psychological ceaseless flow, the inner monologues, that consecrated her. The author cares, instead, to the externalization of the self, which meddles into space and is absorbed by the objects. Front of women on the fringes, beings pressured by excentricities, because they do not occupy economic or patriarchal centers, the writer chooses not to narrate them in deep self-reflection. Here we see the critical sagacity of Clarice. She outlines her poor heroines, ironically, through their voices that barely exceed the hardness of objects. These voices are coming out failed when trying to transcend reality, are voices that can barely hold an articulated language. However, when entering the bodies of Lucrécia Neves and Macabéa in the body-text, Lispector dismantles, by her irony and sharpened metaphor, the joints of power installed by patriarchy, destabilizing essentialized gender stereotypes.application/pdfAcesso AbertoLucrécia NevesMacabéaCorpoGêneroEx-centricidadeBodyGenderEx-centricityLETRAS::LITERATURA BRASILEIRACorpos ex-cêntricos: o feminino e a linguagem em A cidade sitiada e em Hora da estrela, de Clarice LispectorEx- centric bodies: the feminine and the language in A cidade sitiada and A hora da estrela, by Clarice LispectorDissertação