2015-03-272014-12-12VIEIRA, Rosângela Viana. A reprodução do espaço na metrópole: a habitação como negócio urbano. 2014. 372 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4383This paper analyses the politics for housing of social interest, resulted from the first public-private partnership for habitation in Brazil, and also its materiality in the city of Brasília, based on Jardins Mangueiral Housing Sector, as well as the housing production of some towns of Brasília metropolitan area, specifically Valparaíso de Goiás and Luziânia. Our goal is to comprehend the space reproduction of the metropolis of Brasília in the public-private relation of the Federal District government habitation politics. This space is also a real estate entrepreneurship which aims at determining the most appropriate place for the individuals according to their social class. This entrepreneurial condition is more expressive whenever the government reproduces the space for the execution of the commodity city. This process takes place in order to see the city as a value, once political economy practices are inserted into the territory to maximize the space conceived as the urban became business. The process also defines the space-time that composes the metropolis, having social housing integrated into this moment in order to reproduce it, and not only aggregate capital, and therefore, changing the city into a business. Once habitation as business embraces the metropolitan area, it shows capital circulation searching for economical form of the property, its added-value and transfers of public assets to private corporations, strengthened by the fact that production focuses on stage 2 of the Social Program My house, My life. To achieve the comprehension of business and productive activity of the urban by the government, having social housing as evaluative nexus and capital retention instrument for space reproduction, we have appealed to material and discursive conditions stipulated for territory planning and also to the execution of habitation politics in the corporative context of the economic activity in the place. The result of this paper is a reflection over the importance of studying space reproduction from relations which are maximized in the inductive economical politics, according to the logics of the metropolis value. The consequences of city negation, urban segregation enlargement and creation of new towns in Brasília metropolitan area are accumulation for dispossession and expropriation of public property. Being the space content of the modern class struggles, it configures the non- circumstantial place of the contradictions which are inherent to capitalism permanent strategies, as well as the political future built from social relations conflicts in the urban. The thesis is about the production/reproduction of the space in the city as an element which separates men from their future, which deviates them from the political community once their condition, created by the space, can be seen either as overcoming barriers or subordination, opposition and conflict.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCidade-metrópolePolítica habitacionalReprodução do espaçoSetor imobiliárioTerritórioUrbanoCity-metropolisHabitation politicsReproduction of spaceReal-estate sectorTerritoryUrbanCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAA reprodução do espaço na metrópole: a habitação como negócio urbanoThe reproduction of space in the metropolis: housing as an urban businessTese