2016-09-082016-06-23Oliveira, F. W. Saberes-fazeres cartografados à partir das memórias do meu avô. 2016. 189 f. Tese (Doutorado em Arte e Cultura Visual) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6137This research is designed as an exercise of mapping practices that revolve around memories of my maternal grandfather in an attempt to baste other sources of knowledge to my experience as a teacher. Between the lines of a narrative research, this mapping (DELEUZE, GUATTARI, 2011; ROLNIK, 2006) seeks to show processes, artistic and pedagogical, woven in teaching-learning situations and developed through meetings with four craftsmen who knew my grandfather. For the configuration of these meetings and the interweaving of narratives, mine and of craftsmen, it is possible to envision a circuit composed by affective itineraries. To affect and be affected in the review of stories about my grandfather, I use assembly operations (DIDI-HUBERMAN, 2012; 2013) to demarcate the plot of a collaborative network comprised gradually, without my knowing what would be your final design. Of interpretative, the demarcations obtained by this network were organized in a kind of atlas where it is possible to investigate the development of maps as an analytical tool and building ideas. Through discoveries engendered by these moving landscapes would highlight aspects of drift and wandering (DEBORD, 2003; CARERI, 2013; CERTEAU, 2014) as creative positions around teaching and creating art practices. Finally, seek references in the practices of craftsmen (SENNET, 2009) and aim for a job associated with convivial experiences with emphasis on processes. Through these notes emerge collaborative practices, which I believe can contribute to circumscribe a wider knowledge on how to act in different spaces of mediation.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCartografiaPráticasExperiências de convívioCartographyPracticesSocial experienceLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::ARTESSaberes-fazeres cartografados à partir das memórias do meu avôKnowledges-practices mapped from the memory of my grandfatherTese