2014-07-292012-12-192012-09-04MELO, Marília Christina Arantes. The interaction human nature in the stream basin in the city of fountain Uberlândia-MG. 2012. 115 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1881The Federal Constitution, which is the guideline of the largest Brazilian environmental legislation is governed by nine basic principles that are the principle of equitable access to environmental resources, user-pays principle, polluter pays principle, precautionary principle, prevention principle, Principle of repair, Principle of information, participation and Principle of Principle of the right to a healthy quality of life. Besides the Constitution, Law No. 9638 of 1981, the National Policy on Environment, aims at the preservation, improvement and restoration of environmental quality, socio-economic development, protecting the dignity of human life and the interests of national security. It is noteworthy that Article 225 of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 establishes the duties of the Government to ensure the effectiveness of this right, which stands Environmental Education in § 1, Section VI and the Law 9795 of 1999, which provides for Environmental Education and establishing the National Environmental Education. In Brazil, an instrument that enables the paradigm shift in society's actions is the National Environmental Education, established by Law No. 9795 of 1999. It sets out what is the Environmental Education and determines that it is present in national education, as Article 1 and 2. Thus, this research aimed to study the overall social and environmental relationships of the residents and / or employees of the Trough Creek basin in Uberlândia - MG, in order to pursue the development of Plan of non-formal environmental education. To achieve the objective of this study sought to identify the main environmental aspects that permeate the daily activities of residents and / or farm workers in Trough Creek basin, to analyze whether there is an awareness by the farmers in the basin of the Trough Creek in relation to Local social and environmental interaction; show how farmers perceive and understand the local socio-environmental changes occurring in the basin of Trough Creek, and organizing audiovisual material from the local knowledge, which can be used as a tool to assist in their daily activities, aimed at preserving and / or environmental conservation.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEducação Ambiental Não Formal EtnográficaReligarOikosIntegração homem-naturezaNon-Formal Environmental Education EthnographyReconnectOikosIntegration-man natureCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAA interação homem-natureza na bacia hidrográfica do Córrego Bebedouro no município de Uberlândia-MGThe interaction human nature in the stream basin in the city of fountain Uberlândia-MGDissertação