2018-11-282015-10-07SILVA, F. C. Interação de genótipos com ambientes para qualidade de grãos carioca e caracteres agronômicos em feijoeiro-comum. 2015. 194 f. Tese (Doutorado em Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9101In the common bean crop, environmental influence and the differential behavior of genotypes to environments they have been reported for various important traits, and not restricted to grain yield. Initially, the producers crave for cultivars with high grain yield, early, maturing, upright plant architecture that is conducive to direct mechanized harvesting, commercial grain size and disease resistant. Unlike, the other segments of the production chain crave for grains with other attributes. For industry it is important that new cultivars present grains with high technology quality and processing and for consumers higher nutritional, cuisine and functional quality. Thus, these characteristics need to be combined to meeting the demands of the entire chain and enable the adoption of a new cultivar. And for this, the factors that influence the phenotypic expression of these traits require more studies. The objetive of this study were i) to study the effect of the genotype x environment interaction (GxE) in the grain yield associated with agronomic and grain quality traits and ii) identify carioca common bean genotypes that have simultaneously high adaptability and stability for these traits. Were conducted 79 trials Cultivation Value and Use (CVU) with carioca common bean lines, distributed in Distrito Federal and States of Goiás, Distrito Federal, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Pernambuco, Bahia, Alagoas and Sergipe. These experiments were conducted in the years 2011, 2012 and 2013, the sowing times of dry, winter and rainy. The experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications and plots of four lines, with 4 m row. The experiments consisted of 17 carioca common bean genotypes: thirteen elite lines and four controls (BRS Estilo, Pérola, BRS Sublime e CNFC 10762). The agronomic traits were evaluated: grain yield, plant architecture, lodging and reaction to anthracnose, angular leaf spot, common bacterial blight and wilt bacterial wilt, in addition to grain quality traits: visual aspect of grain, sieve in yield, 100 100 weight, cooking time and crude protein concentration. Individual and combined analyses of variance were realizedand analysis of adaptability and stability, the Nunes graphical method, for all characters. The index posts sum was used for the selection of genotypes favorable phenotypes for most traits, in addition to adaptability and joint stability. High environmental influence and interaction GxE in phenotypic expression for agronomic traits and traits related to grain quality was detected. It was possible to select genotypes with superiority for each character set. The use of the estimates of adaptability and stability combined with selection index was useful in evaluating genotype performance against the environmental variations. The lines CNFC 15033, CNFC 15070, CNFC 15025, CNFC 15049 and CNFC 15086 combined phenotypic good sized, high adaptability and stability for most agronomic traits. The genotypes who stand out for grain quality characters were CNFC 15097, CNFC 15038, CNFC 15025, CNFC 15033 and BRS Estilo. From these results, CNFC 15025, CNFC 15033, CNFC 15097 and CNFC 15038 line highlighted by to associate traits of agronomic interest the high quality of grain, as well as being stable and adapted to different cropping regions. Thus, these breeding lines have potential to be indicated as new cultivars and/or used as parents in breeding programs aimed at improving these phenotypes.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPhaseolus vulgaris L.Seleção simultâneaEstabilidade e adaptabilidadeQualidade de grãosProdutividadeResistência a doençasPorte de plantaPhaseolus vulgaris L.Simultaneous selectionStability and adaptabilityGrains qualityYieldDisease resistancePlant habitGENETICA::GENETICA VEGETALInteração de genótipos com ambientes para qualidade de grãos carioca e caracteres agronômicos em feijoeiro-comumInteraction genotype environment for carioca grain quality and agronomic traits in common bean genotypesTese