2018-06-112018-05-18ROMÃO, G. A. Análise da formulação da política pública de saneamento básico em municípios goianos. 2018. 120 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8567This research aimed to analyse the public policy formulation regarding basic sanitation in municipalities of Goiás, based on the 9th article of Law no. 11,445/2007 and the 23rd article of Regulatory Decree no. 7,217/2010, in which seven principles are considered to be necessary for the city to formulate and sanction its Municipal Sanitation Policy. Considering the importance of answering whether such public policy was formulated based on federal law, three analysis were performed: the first one aimed at answering if the surveyed municipalities elaborated their Municipal Basic Sanitation Plans (MBSPs) considering the minimum content, which corresponds to the first principle required by law; The second one further analysed whether the other six principles were also considered and the third attempted to identify which difficulties were prevalent when formulating such policy, from the drafting process of the MBSP to sanctioning the Municipal Sanitation Law. The undertaken strategy in the present research was the comparative cases study, focusing on the municipalities of Pontalina, Itapirapuã, Terezópolis de Goiás, Mossâmedes and Uirapuru. Secondary data and semistructured interviews were used to collect data; a content analysis was carried out in order analyse such data. From this, it was concluded that the five surveyed municipalities formulated their Public Policy on Basic Sanitation respecting most of the requirements previously set out in the seven principles stated in the Federal Sanitation Law, which means that their plans were elaborated almost entirely according to the minimum content and the other six considered principles. Regarding difficulties, the main barriers reported by the governmental and non-governmental actors throughout the MBSP elaboration process were: a) the municipality does not participate in the formulation of the Federal Sanitation Policy; b) lack of qualified technical staff to elaborate the MBSP; c) changes in management team; among others. In relation to possible obstacles after the conclusion of the MBSP formulation, each municipality managed the basic sanitation in a specific way. In Pontalina, the plan was shelved; in Itapirapuã, priority was given to the construction of Water Treatment Plant and Sewage Treatment Plant, whereas Mossâmedes and Uirapuru sought to raise financial resources. Additionally, with regards to sanctioning the Municipal Sanitation Policy, only the municipalities of Mossâmedes and Uirapuru have already instituted it.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPolíticas de saneamentoPolíticas públicasSaneamento básicoAnálise da formulação de políticasMunicípios goianosSanitation policiesPublic policiesBasic sanitationPolicies analysis and formulationGoiás stateADMINISTRACAO::ADMINISTRACAO PUBLICAAnálise da formulação da política pública de saneamento básico em municípios goianosAnalysis of the formulation of the public policy of basic sanitation in municipalities of GoiásDissertação