2020-09-162020-09-162020-06-10ARAUJO, K. K. S. Interpretações históricas do Brasil e as origens da área de ensino de Ciências brasileira. 2020. 120 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação em Ciências e Matemática) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10726Given the perception of the internalist trend of the historiography of the Brazilian Science Education area and the lack of dialogue with the history of Brazil, this research aimed to establish relations between the Brazilian national historiography, worked by Jessé Souza, with the historiography of the area of Brazilian Science Education found in specialized literature. In his works, the theoretical reference of this research, Jessé Souza, analyzes the historical interpretations of Brazil. Interpretations, in the plural, because in Jessé Souza's work two interpretations of the history of Brazil are exposed. The first interpretation seeks our origins in a remote past of Portuguese society and identifies, as the origin of our ills, a supposed backwardness of the country and, mainly, of the State. This first interpretation has between its representatives Sérgio Buarque de Holanda and Raymundo Faoro and is called patrimonialist, because, according to it, our society and our State are corrupt, personalist and patrimonialist.The second interpretation is proposed by Jessé Souza based on the works of other great national interpreters such as Gilberto Freyre and Florestan Fernandes. This second interpretation identifies our origins in slavery and perceives exclusion and social inequality as being our greatest ills. In order to dialogue with national history, we have selected some texts available in the specialized literature that deal with the history of the Brazilian Science Education area and which are repeatedly cited in the area to deal with their history. Through a qualitative approach and after several joint readings of the selected texts for analysis and the theoretical reference, five categories were created that relate the history of the area and the historical interpretations of Brazil addressed by the work of Jessé souza. The first category relates the theory of modernization, closely linked to the patrimonialist interpretation of Brazil, with the financial aid from international and North American agencies for the production of didactic materials and the training of teachers recurrently mentioned in the history of Science Education. The second category relates the aspiration of national modernization promoted by the patrimonialist historiographic line with Science Education in Brazil. The third category deals with the “São Paulo myth” or São Paulo exceptionality defended by the patrimonialist interpretation of the country and the incentives for the emergence of the area in that state. The fourth category relates some decisive moments for the area with the anti-popular pact made by the elite with the Brazilian middle class. Finally, the fifth category relates the military dictatorship's attempts to acquire legitimacy with the large investments in the scientific field made by the military that were decisive for the consolidation of the Science Education area in Brazil. Reflections supported by the referred categories point out that the history of the area presented in the analyzed literature has links with the patrimonialist interpretation of Brazil that underrates the slave-based aspects of our history and covers up our brutal and current social inequality. Lastly, it is made one suggestion for the Brazilian Science Education area: a greater intellectual involvement with the issues of inequality and social exclusion in BrazilAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilBrasilÁrea de ensino de CiênciasHistóriaInternalismoBrazilScience education areaHistoryInternalistCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO::ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEMInterpretações históricas do Brasil e as origens da área de ensino de Ciências brasileiraHistorical interpretations of Brazil and the origins of the brazilian Science education areaDissertação