2016-03-032015-07-30SANTOS, A. N. S. Segurança do paciente em unidades não hospitalares de atendimento às urgências e emergências: análise de riscos. 2015. 112 f. Dissertação ( Mestrado em Ensino na Saúde) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5292Patient safety in health services is a priority issue at the World Health Organization. Understanding the importance of this approach, this study aimed to analyze the risks in the health care of patients seen in non-hospital units of emergency and urgency. It is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Fieldwork was carried out with the nursing team through semi-structured individual interviews and opted for the content analysis. Respondents reported several factors that endanger the patients like human resources, material and physical assistance and operational processes. On human resources, the nursing team mentioned: unpreparedness of the medical and nursing team in responding to emergencies and emergencies related to insufficient training and lack of Continuing Education in services; shortage of doctors, and nursing staff and work overload. They reported the need for team downsizing and continuing education, to minimize risks related to work overload and lack of technical and scientific preparation. The material and physical resources were considered inadequate and insufficient in all units. However, half of the units assessed showed better working conditions in relation to physical resources. As for the operational processes, it stands out the scarce filing within the emergency block; improper operation of Material and Sterilization Center and how to identify patients were listed as insufficient for safe care. They reported errors and incidents with patients in the labor process, with emphasis on: medication administration errors, damage without incident (falls) and the occurrence of adverse events such as death, aspiration, member of mutilation and traumatic brain injury. It was found that these are related to insufficient and inadequate human, material and physical and interaction between the entire systems. The results pointed to the need for risk management in the units, according to the current legislation, with a view to patient safety.application/pdfAcesso AbertoNursingPatient safetyEmergenciesEnfermagemSegurança do pacienteUrgênciasCIENCIAS DA SAUDESegurança do paciente em unidades não hospitalares de atendimento às urgências e emergências: análise de riscosPatient safety in units non-hospital emergency and urgency care: risk analysisDissertação