2017-05-152016-12-20LOPES, Lillian Kelly de Oliveira. Instrumental ortopédico de conformação complexa: avaliação do processamento, formação de biofilme e suas implicações. 2016. 244 f. Tese (Doutorado em Enfermagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7317INTRODUCTION: Depth gauge and flexible drill bite cutter are orthopedic surgical instruments of complex conformation and they are into loanered instrumentation box to different healthcare facilites. The challenge is to ensure that appropriatly cleaning was done to prevent the formation of biofilm in these instruments´models. There are no experimental or clinical studies analyzing the impact of different cleaning protocols on formation of biofilm on surfaces those two surgical instruments. OBJECTIVES: To validate and to evaluate laboratory method to formation of biofilms in stainless steel. To evaluate microbial load and to determine formation of biofilms after laboratory contamination and processing for several cycles in surgical instruments of complex conformation used in surgeries of orthopedic implants. METHOD: Experimental study was developed from November/2014 to March/2016, at the Laboratory of Macquarie University, Sydney (AU). Method´s validation: new forceps halsted hemostatic mosquito were contaminated within contaminant solution containing S. aureus (ATCC 25923) and sterilized in saturated steam. Forceps were divided into three groups according to cleaning: 1) rinsing, 2) manual cleaning and 3) manual cleaning followed by automated cleaning. After 6th, 13th and 20th three forceps from each protocol were analised for microbial load and protein amount (Bicinchoninic Acid Assay) and visual analysis by scanning electronic microscopy. The same method was used on new flexible drill bite cutters and depth gauges, and analised after 10th and 20th reprocessing. RESULTS: Method´s validation: forceps submitted to protocols 1 (positive control of cleaning) and 2 showed coccus in biofilms and forceps sumitted to protocol 3 showed organics residues after 20 reprocessing. No microbial load or residual protein was found. Complex instruments: flexible drill bite cutters submitted to rinsing presented high amount of protein with increase of 1699μg of protein from 10th to 20th reprocessing (P = 0.03). Depth gauge submitted protocol 1 presented high amount of protein, however there was no statistically significant difference from 10th to 20th processing (P = 0.60). All instruments submitted to manual and/or automated cleaning did not present residual protein. It was possible to identify residue and biofilm into lumen of surgical instruments after 20 reprocessing. CONCLUSION: Experimental techniques to formation and evaluation of biofilm in surgical instruments manufactures in stainless steel were validated and 20 inappropriated cleaning processing were enough to buildup biofilm. Biofilm was formed within lumens of flexible drill bite cutter and depth gauge, after 20 processing despite the instruments were submitted to “gold standard” cleaning, also accumulation of protein on flexible drill bite cutters. Depth gauge lumen allowed accumulation of waste using manual cleaning followed by automation cleaning and manual cleaning allowed buildup residue on its external surface. Manual cleaning allowed accumulation residue on deep gauge. It was not possible to recover viable S. aureus in biofilm on instrumental surface, but it indicates that design of instruments evaluated is not safe to processing. It is presumed have risk ratio for aseptic loss of prostheses and infection related to healthcare, since they are instruments of difficult cleaning control and circulate in numerous healthcare facilites using different cleaning protocols.application/pdfAcesso AbertoBiofilmeInstrumental cirúrgico ortopédicoConformação complexaInfecção hospitalProcessamentoConsignação/comodatadoBiofilmOrthopedic surgical instrumentsSurgical instruments complexComplex devicesHealthcare associated infectionLoaner instrumentationENFERMAGEM::ENFERMAGEM MEDICO-CIRURGICAInstrumental ortopédico de conformação complexa: avaliação do processamento, formação de biofilme e suas implicaçõesOrthopedic instruments of complex conformation: evaluation of the processing, formation of biofilm and its implicationsTese