2019-11-062019-10-04MELO, E. D. F. O personagem Descartes: as tensões de Nietzsche com o projeto inicial da modernidade. 2019. 166 f. Tese (Doutorado em Filosofia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10157With this dissertation we aim to analyze Nietzsche writings on Descartes, focusing mainly, but not exclusively, on the book Beyond Good and Evil. Our central hypothesis is that such mentions, in a critical perspective, are configured by Nietzsche as controversy, as an argumentative strategy of philosophical opposition to Descartes as a character, forming tensions with the grounds and the edges of the early modernity. In other words, Descartes, as Nietzsche writes about him in Beyond Good and Evil, would be a character that, as a magnifying glass, works as a rhetorical element to display problems barely noticed, aside and remaining elements that, despite their marginality, would tacitly rule modernity. The result of this approach, coupled with our defense of Descartes as a character in Beyond Good and Evil, will be an exposition of some limits of the Cartesian philosophical project, relatively to those aside and remaining elements. In addition, some Nietzsche's new determinations will be underlined, such as an organic sense identified through thought, this as an element of the body; a meaning of conscious thoughts as ruled by instincts; subjectivity as an expression of the gregarious demands of the species and the self as a silent expression of individuality.application/pdfAcesso AbertoNietzscheDescartesAlém do bem e do malModernidadeTensãoPersonagemNietzscheDescartesBeyond good and evilEarly modernityTensionCharacterCIENCIAS HUMANAS::FILOSOFIAO personagem Descartes: as tensões de Nietzsche com o projeto inicial da modernidadeThe character Descartes: or Nietzsche contra the early modernity projectTese