2016-08-052016-09-29PINHEIRO, I. M. G. Aspectos fonológicos do português do sul de Goiás. 2016. 81 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás,Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5829This work presents the description of some phonological aspects in the southern region of Goiás State, in the cities of Orizona, Pires do Rio, Ipameri, Catalão, Três Ranchos, Corumbaíba, Buriti Alegre, Caldas Novas, Mineiros, Rio Verde, Jataí, Itumbiara, Cachoeira Dourada, Quirinópolis, São Simão, Edéia, Paraúna and Vianópolis. The analysis resulted from the answers given in the ALINGO (Linguistic Atlas of Goiás). For pedagogical reasons, these aspects were separated regarding the vowels, the syllables and the consonants. The observations performed about the vowels were related to the phonological possibilities for the phoneme /o/ in pretonic position, which analyzed the different productions of words like “armpit” (sovaco), “ankle” (tornozelo), “sob” (soluço) and “dew” (orvalho). The issue concerning the syllables approaches the nasalization and the oralization of the syllable “-gem” in the end of the words. In this analysis, it was used the realization of “rain drought” (estiagem), “swill” (lavagem) and “pod” (vagem). The chapter about the consonants addressed the oscillation between the employment of /g/ and /k/ in the word “corncob” (sabugo) in the south of Goiás speech. As theoretical fundamentals of the hypothesis worked in each phenomenon, it were used, mainly, the Historical Grammar and the Descriptive Linguistics. To introduce these descriptive chapters presented and explained the concepts of vowel sounds, syllable and consonantal sounds in order to facilitate the comprehension of occurred phenomena. Before the descriptive analysis, in the first chapter, there is a historical background of studies related to the sounds, which presents the development of the main theories in this scope, including the ones used as theoretical basis.application/pdfAcesso AbertoVariedade linguísticaFonéticaAlofoniaAtlas linguísticoSul de GoiásLinguistic varietyPhoneticsAllophonyLinguistic atlasSouth of GoiásLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LINGUISTICAAspectos fonológicos do português do sul de GoiásPhonological aspects of south of Goiás portugueseDissertação