2016-03-212011-07-01MOTA, R. D. “Senhor dono da casa, se não for muito custoso, vem abrir a vossa porta que nós viemos de pouso”: as territorialidades produzidas pelos Grupos das Folias de Reis em Goiânia. 2011. 211 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5360This current research examines the territorialities which emerge from the relations established in the presentations and meetings of the ‘Giros of Folias de Reis’ in Goiânia. This binomial cultural-religious manifestation consists of an after Christmas seasonal Catholic popular festivity, which is permeated with Christian rites, beliefs and memories. ‘Giros of Folias’ are, therefore, collective walks practiced by specific fancily-dressed festive groups. Symbolically, ‘giros’ means the Christ walks, and ‘Folias’ represents the ‘Three Kings celebration’. The research has its conceptual and theoretical approaches within the Cultural Geography realm. It seeks to have readings on the meanings of these expressions of popular culture. The ‘Folias de Reis’ produce "inscriptions" in space and time (territory, territoriality, identity), which become part of symbolic landscapes. The territorial relations and symbolic landscapes produced by the ‘Folias de Reis’, even within different realities and contexts, do not have their essence, such as devotion and tradition, changed. These festive groups adapt themselves, or have physical and structural modifications, depending on the situation in which they become part of, but their devotion gets strengthened every time they practice the ‘Giros’. The theoretical and methodological aspects used in the research are based, but not limited to, on the contributions of Adams (2005, 2006, 2010) who debates the territorial relations within the Cultural Geography domain; on the work of Geertz (2001), who addresses conceptual approaches related to ‘culture’; on the insights of Hobsbawm (1997) who provides a reflection on two types of tradition: real and invented one; and, on the work of Cosgrove (2004), who discusses the symbolic landscapes and its reading. For this investigation, the used methodological procedures and tools were: literature review, documented material, fieldwork, maps production, and data analysis. The findings reveal that the “Folia de Reis” entails a festivity replete with social relations which, per se, put in evidence – during the “Giros” - , a symbolic universe composed of rural elements, but, in this particular case, celebrated in an urban environment. The territorialities and cultural landscapes are then produced during the festival with the songs and the hospitality of the festive groups, and it is an event which takes place cyclically according to a Christmas event calendar of Goiania.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFolia de ReisCulturaTerritórioPaisagem CulturalGoiâniaIdentidadeFolia de ReisCultureTerritoryIdentityCultural LandscapeGoianiaCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIA“Senhor dono da casa, se não for muito custoso, vem abrir a vossa porta que nós viemos de pouso”: as territorialidades produzidas pelos Grupos das Folias de Reis em Goiânia"Sir, the owner of the house, if it is not too much to ask for it, come and open the door of your house to us, because we came here for a sleepover": the territorialities produced by groups of “Folias de Reis” in GoianiaDissertação